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A proposed Union of the United Kingdom and the United Netherlands

59 Ziua 743, 12:03 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

A Proposed Union of the United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland and the United Netherlands

Some time ago, our governments began discussing the possibility of uniting our two countries. After finding that the idea was … citește în continuare »

International Report November 23th & Personal manifesto

8 Ziua 734, 11:43 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

Today it was announced that the UNL are leaving PEACE GC.
Yesterday Lithuania left, and the day before yesterday Germany and UK left. You can see the current members of PEACE at their [url=

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International Report november 18th

6 Ziua 729, 05:47 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

As you could read in my latest article, we saw two countries leaving the PEACE GC.
For the new players under us, PEACE is the alliance which our nation is currently in, if you want to check her eHistory go to [

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International News

8 Ziua 724, 06:49 Publicat în Netherlands Netherlands

The last days, many things happened on the international stage. While we were fighting against Romanian aggressors, the Hungarians opened an attack against Slovakia, which is explained by the ambassador to our country here: [url=

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International News

4 Ziua 724, 06:37 Publicat în Germany Germany

The last days, many things happened on the international stage. While we were fighting against Romanian aggressors, the Hungarians opened an attack against Slovakia, which is explained by the ambassador to our country here: [url=

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