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Fair and biased news coverage since February 2011! Please forgive us if a Fusion Accident occurs.

Joining the Community

7 Ziua 1,071, 21:22 Publicat în Japan Japan

For the last few weeks, I've only been able to check in every now and then. Have worked most days, fought in a few battles, and left some scattered comments in various articles, but I haven't been able to call myself active, as I would define it.

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Sorry for disappearing

8 Ziua 1,049, 14:21 Publicat în Japan Japan


I want to apologize for disappearing last month, in the middle of my Congress term. Those who trusted me -- I let you down. I am deeply sorry.

Won't be active again anytime soon, but I do owe that much at least. Hope everyone is

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Constitution Day

19 Ziua 1,016, 01:02 Publicat în Japan Japan

One year ago to this day, eJapan adopted our Imperial Constitution. Once vague traditions were brought into sharp focus, all by a few strokes of a pen. And our nation rallied to the side of our first true Emperor, the figurehead of our national

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An eJapanese Resolve

16 Ziua 1,006, 02:13 Publicat în Japan Japan

Two and a half weeks ago, Phoenix spokesman DishMCDS threatened to make Japan "the New North Korea," presumably referring to the Russian invasion and subsequent PTO of the North Korean state. It would be easy to dismiss this statement as mere

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There Is Always A Cost

16 Ziua 915, 23:09 Publicat în Japan Japan

It has become a cliche, that "nothing in life is free." There is a cost to anything, the saying goes, and if you appear to be getting a free lunch, you are probably being hoodwinked. Like many sayings, there is both wisdom to be gleaned

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