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Former Irish Congressman Announces Candidacy

3 Ziua 1,639, 13:48 Publicat în Ireland Ireland Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Former Congressman Ronisu announced his candidacy today to return to Congress. He hopes to get the Irish Freedom Party's support for his congressional bid. Congressman Ronisu was last elected to Congress around Day 375 as a member of the Fianna

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Brief Response to the Accusations of the Day

6 Ziua 372, 02:57 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Honestly, I am a young member of FF, and am running for a Congressional seat this session. So far I don't see enough to warrant this attack on FF and the successful turnout of voters. If FF is stuffing the boxes that is indeed wrong, and justice

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New Face Seeks Future Party Nod for Congress

3 Ziua 366, 09:43 Publicat în Ireland Ireland

Today young eIreland citizen Ronisu annnced his intent to seek his party's support for Congress in the Dublin region. When asked about decision Ronisu had these statements:

"I understand that I am a young citizen and have been a relatively quiet

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