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Should we play Cool or should we play Kindergarden?

8 Ziua 290, 14:35 Publicat în Romania Romania

As a Romanian the last thing I would want is for the Hungarian players to quit the game. I've heard a lot of threats in this regard and even urges for Romania to "negotiate the return of the occupied territories where these truly belong". I've read

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Language communities

14 Ziua 288, 13:26 Publicat în Romania Romania

After the war, as said many times, we have to face the integration of our citizens from occupied territories. In this regard, I want to propose a few ideas, which may be integrated in political projects later on.

1. We have to face the fact that

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Comunitatile de limba

7 Ziua 288, 13:10 Publicat în Romania Romania

Dupa razboi, dupa cum s-a spus in multe randuri, trebuie sa facem fata integrarii cetatenilor nostri din teritoriile ocupate. In acest sens, propun cateva teme de gandire, care ar putea fi preluate la nivel politic, evident, dupa razboi.

1. Sa

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MOBILIZATION and DISCIPLINE will win the war!

4 Ziua 288, 04:17 Publicat în Romania Romania

After a few easy victories, BOREDOM is definitely our worse enemy. Thoughts like "I didn't got to fight", "they are not coming anyway" or "I'll quit because I don't feel important" are a sneaky path that can lead us to loosing our main assets. But,

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