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NSW needs some AV!!!

5 Ziua 1,100, 13:32 Publicat în Australia Australia

I'm back...
vote me in the Senate, coz I want things sorted...
I'm not scared to voice what I think...
I'm not scared of controversy...

Cheers, AV...

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Yep... ok... 3 dot man is bak...

8 Ziua 1,095, 22:44 Publicat în Australia Australia

Vote me in NSW coz i'm like super good in parliment...
I'm not putting up my resume again...

just trust me i'm good for the job...

Cheers, AV...

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13 Ziua 1,084, 17:17 Publicat în Australia Australia


So I clicked "Revive Citizen"

still deciding if the game is fixed...
I like that we have survived and come back from the brink...
I love that we are kicking Indo out again...

maby I will come back...


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ATTENTION: Voters of the Super-Saiyan Aussie's

7 Ziua 938, 03:16 Publicat în Australia Australia

All Voters of the Super-Saiyan Aussie's,

Please be aware that I have won this position already, and therefore please move to any parties that have PTO candidates and vote against them.

Please see the forums if you are unsure where to vote (or

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Launching the Super-Saiyan Aussie's!!!

9 Ziua 931, 05:03 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hi all,

In the coming days I will outline what eAustralia's newest party hopes to achieve in the future. We are not your usual political party, we are more a mindset.

The principals of 'Focus' and 'Fun' are what resound in all SSA's.


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