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Looking for active investor or co-owner of Saiyan Pride

1 Ziua 561, 00:43 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hi All,

Due to the fact that I am now doing quite afew different things (MoI, senate, ADSP PP) to name afew, so I am not getting to give the organisation the attention it deserves. Due to this I am looking for business person(s) that are either

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ADSP Leadership

9 Ziua 559, 06:43 Publicat în Australia Australia

With the sudden Re-Departure of Leonard Lyman, I am taking on the role of Acting Party President of ADSP.
If you have any party issues that you need to address, please don't hesitate to contact me.

Regards, AV.

Looking forward to a stronger,

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Senator - Aussie Vegeta

1 Ziua 554, 20:38 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hi All,

Thanks for all those who believed in me enough to vote for me.
I will do my best this term to represent you proudly!

Looking forward to working with the government for this term.
If you have any proposals (apart from the eNational

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Aussie Vegeta - Here to serve eAustralia!!!

7 Ziua 547, 04:59 Publicat în Australia Australia

Hi Guys,

Haven't written one of these before, so here goes.

I'm running for senator for this term. I have learn't alot from my time in cabinet, and have worked with senators for the last term.

Here are some of the policies that I stand for.

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Aussie-ism's for those eAussie immagrants wanting to fit in...

10 Ziua 542, 22:30 Publicat în Australia Australia

I was IRC'ing with an american eAussie the other day, and he told me that he was going to a prom...
the whole chat room laughed... so he suggested that i make this...

Feel free to add to it in comments...

American Aussie


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