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Vote BetaMjau, screw you boys!

35 Ziua 390, 12:22 Publicat în Sweden Sweden

Vote BetaMjau, screw you boys!

Okej, viktigt skit detta så läs och vota upp!

Partiledarval, tre jättebra kandidater. Två Bosse Ringholm, en med elitistisk självbild och preussiska planer för svensk ekonomi, en som förstått att … citește în continuare »

Why would Sweden do such a stupid thing as attacking France?

32 Ziua 383, 12:05 Publicat în France France

Why would Sweden do such a stupid thing as attacking France?

For one week ago Sweden didn’t even think of attacking France. France had done nothing bad against Sweden. But with the spanish renagaed attacks and the growing eager from dear … citește în continuare »

Regarding the eSwedish Defense Systems Factory in eGermany

9 Ziua 379, 11:38 Publicat în Sweden Sweden

The original of this article has been posted in the eGerman media:

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Regarding the eSwedish Defense Systems Factory in eGermany

9 Ziua 379, 11:36 Publicat în Germany Germany

Am I correct if part of the critizism against the eSwedish owned Defense Systems Factory located in eGermany is that it:

- Will lock up german workers needed in other german factories

- Will drain Wood from the german market

There … citește în continuare »

Sverige idag och i morgon.. del två.

13 Ziua 375, 14:35 Publicat în Sweden Sweden

In swedish only, sorry.

Jag har lovat att skriva mer om försvaret i mina funderingar kring Sverige idag och i morgon. Hoppas du orkar läsa igenom artikeln även om den är lite lång.

Försvarsmakten har en rad intressanta projekt på gång, helt

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