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The cryptographic representation of an elife, in written word, from a complex mind. Formerly known as Sex-Bob-omb, Gougai (号外/Extra) and Xtra by ahava3233.

[EXTRA] November 2013 CP Elections: The Multi Report

16 Ziua 2,178, 00:05 Publicat în Japan Japan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Taken at roughly 23:59:55 ERT.

This is also notice that as MoF, I'm going to go ahead and move all the org funds now to the treasury before the next CP takes office to prevent a dispute (as was

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[EXTRA] So long CoT!

19 Ziua 2,176, 12:39 Publicat în Japan Japan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hiya Japan it's ahava3233 reporting to you once again. In any event, I wanted to discuss a matter that has just been brought to the attention of the entire New World.


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[EXTRA/SSG/Elections] Candidacy Article #2: The Dark Knight Rises

21 Ziua 2,175, 00:06 Publicat în Japan Japan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Hi all, I'm here to present you with another exciting candidacy article to further explain the intent of my candidacy (giving it a nice theme) and to give you more of a clearer insight into my agenda. … citește în continuare »

[EXTRA/SSG/Elections] Shinsengumi's Ambition

31 Ziua 2,172, 22:03 Publicat în Japan Japan Dezbateri și analiză politică Dezbateri și analiză politică

Japan, I've got quite an article for you tonight. I apologize if it's a long read, but please note, it is my intention to be as honest to … citește în continuare »

[EXTRA] Regarding RoC and Paywalls

15 Ziua 2,170, 20:26 Publicat în Japan Japan Analiză financiară Analiză financiară

Japan, it's ahava3233 reporting to you, currently from Bon Temps, Louisiana for allied and CoT business. So anyway, I wanted to discuss a point brought up from [url=http://www.erepublik.

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