Xavier Griffith for the July/August Senate

Day 977, 21:27 Published in Australia Australia by Xavier Griffith

My Fellow Australians, as you are fully or should be fully aware by now, the eIndo PTO scum have PTOed our great nation, not just in the Senate were for the past month niether true Aussies or eIndo PTOer Scum have held the balance of power, but they have taken over the Prime Minister's role causing our nations official government to be placed in exile.

To overcome this problem and issue I ask all True Aussies to Vote for me if your in South Australia.

All true Candidates are listed in this article by the Dept of Public Relations or this one in Jster lives.

DO NOT vote for anybody in the PaPP or AI, as mentioned before they are effectively full of eIndo PTO scum.


Xavier Griffith
ex-Prime Minister of eAustralia
13 times Senator of eAustralia