
Day 977, 20:08 Published in Australia Ireland by Mass Voting and Subbing Inc

Re edited, elections over 😉 Time to change to some articles I have 😃


With my recent ban (now nearing 2 months /me puts on a sad face) I feel its time I told the life of Jster, from when I was first born into the new world, till when my account was banned on GF day and given 32 Media Monguls 😮 (See here:
http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2002413 ).Now that the account is so bugged, that I can't even log in to check my law infringements or my appeals, I have finally lost all hope in ever being un banned. I guess the admins did not like me abusing the media 😉

Moving on, when I first joined the game I was greeted by a great eAussie known as Cerri. Cerri explained to me the ropes of the game, and I will never forget how welcoming it was to first join #ausrep. What a great bunch of people you all have been, and I hope that you will continue to play even with all the new changes and eIndo control.

Due to my RL political ambitions, I quickly subscribed myself to Senate school and started talking to patti about how the poltical system in eRepublic works, I would love to thank him for all the help he gave me in my early weeks of the game. I was eager to join the action and managed to pull of a successful campaign to get into the senate. (See Senate Platform here "http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/running-for-congress1-991225/1/20&quot😉. Unfortunately, shortly after joining senate, my activity levels decreased significantly because of RL work and sport.

I then spent the next few months as a two clicker, as all of a sudden I lost interest in the game. However, the next week changed the coarse of my eLife forever.
After a great friend of mine decided to quit, I was granted access to an amazing set of assets. 33 orgs! I decided that with so many, I would and could! make a profit out of them. (My first advertisement "http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/looking-for-mass-votes-on-articles--1195623/1/20"

I moved on from being just a two clicker, to a ruthless entrepreneur, gaining access to orgs at an amazing rate. And within the last half a year, I ended up gaining access to 400 votes. (At the peak of my game 😉 and had multiple people helping me from across the eworld. A wise man once sai😛
"Wow, you know the scary thing about this? The more he earns from this business, the more he will be able to vote up articles. 😛" How true he was.

With all the profits I was making, I decided it was time for myself to get a Media Mongul so I started up one of the classic, vote and subb for gold articles. (http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/want-gold-get-it-here--1381244/1/20) Unfortunatly I went bust before I reached 1k 😛 As I gave away 20gold in prizes, but spent 40gold in advertising 😉
If I would of known that I would of ended up with 32 Media Moguls 😛 I would of much rather spent that money elsewhere 😉

I ended my life in eIreland, after wanting a change from the spamm the eIndo's were flooding into the media. The fact that my 50 votes (at the time) Could not do squad against that many votes in articles.

Well times move on, and so have I. After being banned I have reached the conclusion that it is not the end. That I will strike back with a new name, a new face. I will never stop collecting orgs, I will never stop growing. When you least expect it, I will rise again, I will be back 😃

(After carefull attention to the rules, I can see no reason as to why this article, and any other article someone decides to post within the next 10 min should be deleted. When the rules are as followe😛

Spam is defined as any incoherent text, or lack of text itself, or text copied from another source that serves no other purpose than to flood the media in order to keep other articles from being seen.
The following actions ARE considered spam:
 transmitting any unsolicited, unauthorized materials or any other form of solicitation that ERPK Web considers in its sole discretion to be of such nature;
 posting comments which are not related to the conversation;
 posting articles or topics of real world events not directly related to eRepublik;
 multiple posting of topics or comments in a short period of time, and publishing duplicate articles;
 posting material that is not authored by the publisher himself or herself;
 posting of articles of irrelevant nature that are flooding the news module (for example: Playboy-like articles);
 posting article and article comments in order to advertise products or companies;
 promoting an article by publishing multiple articles in one or more countries having the same subject or linking to the promoted article;
 lottery / betting articles.
The following actions ARE NOT considered spamming:
 posting articles in a language that is different from the language of the country in which the article is published;
 creating content which contains poems, humor, jokes or irony, as long as the content is respecting the other eRepublik Laws.

As you will see from this article, and any other articles which may be posted from different newspapers over the next 10min, they are related to the title, and are relevant to eRepublic. They are also not constant spamm from the same newspaper, as they are from multiple orgs. I am also not advertising anything, and these articles are not flooding as they are all about serious issues about the game.