WHPR [Day 1,239] We will fight them on the Beaches

Day 1,240, 00:18 Published in USA USA by James S. Brady Press Room

1. Never lose hope
2. Get off your ass
3. In Soviet Russia, Government Inform You!

Well my fellow Americans, today sucked.
I'm not going to lie to you.

Today, we lost 3 battles.
New Mexico

France lost 3 too
Rhone Alps
Province Alpes Azur

Brazil's advance was halted

On our side, we had some strategic swaps with Canada in order to prevent our capital from being cut off. Many of you might not know, but after changes in both the war and economic module, regions possessing a resource need to have a direct route to the capital of a country in order for citizens of that country to receive the bonuses from that resource. With Florida as our capital, Spain would merely have to take Georgia and Alabama, and like that, all of our resources would be cut off.

Canada also acquired Pennsylvania and New Jersey, in order to block Poland from attacking us on multiple fronts. With Pennsylvania and New Jersey forming the Great Wall of Canada, the Polish in Delaware cannot advance, as they're now blocked in by their own ally.

Canada will be taking Minnesota and Alaska to obtain their grain and oil resources, and we will be moving into Manitoba and Nova Scotia for deer and fish resources. At the moment, that is the extent of our land swaps.

These are dark days. We're losing, but we haven't lost.
Something's gotta change though. Everyone knows you don't go from winning to losing by doing the same exact thing that got you in the losing position in the first place.

If you're okay with losing, do nothing.
If you want to see ONE chased to the gates of hell, check out the next section.

Check the DoD, daily
Join the Military
Join a Militia. Ultramarines and Seal Team 6 are the major ones.
Get involved with your political party.
Apply for help from AA (under level 22)
Join the State Department
Join eNASA

If you're not involved in something, you're doing it wrong.
The stronger our activity, the stronger our country.

Tell me in the comments, my fellow citizens, what do you do to increase activity, retention, or prosperity in this country?

President Emerick gives you an update on our 'strategic swapping' (bow chicka wow wow) with Canada, and touches lightly on the situation between Congress and the JCS.

Secretary of the Interior and Quartermaster of the Army, CRoy, talks about the New Military, and some misconceptions about it, noting that there are roughly 600,000 groups in the eUnited States that use 'Marine' in their name in some way shape or form. Guess it's cause everyone wants to be a Marine.

Congressmen of Oregon, Wingfield, goes over some of the recent happenings in Congress. As you can guess, it's boring as hell. But I mean, it's congress, what do you expect ^-^.

Writer for the Department of Interior, Alexander Valkor, talks with Military legend Deificus, general of the eUS Army. The two talk about Deificus UBER-long military career. Like dear god man, I couldn't handle a month in the military, how can you last years!?!

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- Department of Defense Orders, from the Department of Citizen Orders

- Cathode Side Chats, President Emerick's paper

Until next time,
God Damn, I might be the Son of Sam, only Child of a holy man...
Civil Anarchy - at your service.