The Truth about New Brunswick

Day 700, 16:22 Published in Canada Canada by Rylde

Rylde's Still Running for Congress
Well there's a pretty basic truth about New Brunswick at eCanada's current turning point. I was kind of blunt and didn't pull any punches with my Rylde's running for congress platform. The truth is I don't think I'm wrong. NB is a wasteland and right now alot of those citizens need to be moved out immediatly.

I started running through the citizens presently living there and the same problems kept coming up. Near death citizens and citizens fighting to keep a decent wellness level. You also have the higher level players who I believe love NB. Unfortunately at this time those people are dreamers.
When the majority of your population is weak and useless what happens. You get fired and starve to death. NB is a rock full of unproductive hobo's.

I understand they started some lumber companies and employ alot of New Brunswickers that choose to live there. In the eRep world that means fuck all. You can pridefully make as many companies as u want there but unfortunately your population there is going to loss you money. The taxes go to eCanada not to NB. If there was an option, seperation would be the best to keep there taxes and build up that shit hole up. But it isn't.
So I recommend moving a good portion of there populace till eCanada is whole and after higher population provinces are taken care of. From a realists position its the best move. Most of there citizens are under level 10 and fighting to maintain wellness and in some cases basic life. Should be some deaths soon to so a few less hobo's to fly out. We can push em into the ocean before we leave.
They need access to a hospital ASAP and there not going to get one anytime soon. They need to be in alberta or Quebec. That dreamer also running for Congress has a few good idea's for NB. None of them are viable now but could be worth looking at down the road. NB needs immediate action now to save some citizens. He'd rather keep them there fighting to stay alive over false pride nd hopes of a glorious NB. I want to offer them MT's for a chance to level fast through fighting xp and I higher quality of living.

As a real positive down the road. If the govt can spare any funds or some kind of agreement could be reached maybe a hospital could be an option. I would take part in a program to raise funds and if this can be accomplished would encourage citizens to move there. Hell I'd live there permanently and convince a few close friends.

Honestly though it seems like a waste of money to me. As a strategic game player I look at this eRep as kind of a more involved game of risk militarily. In risk you keep your men and defences on the borders of your country for protection of your territory. You don't place your men in the middle. When the Huns are ousted citizens, hospitals and defenses should be placed on the outsides of our country. Those currently built inside should be used as fall back positions. Province's should be monitored and new citizens immediatly moved to better hospitalized zones. Anything but Q5's seems like a waste of resourses to me as well.

If you don't agree with me to bad cause I have the voting power come the 25th and if local voters can't even keep themselves alive I'm pretty sure they don't vote. Long live those that live on the rock on the east of our country called something or other. Stay alive citizens of NB. When I come for congress I'll leave with as many of you as I can.

For those that missed it my honest no bullshit congress platform for New Brunswick.