Tax Revolt? Prove it.

Day 1,476, 12:37 Published in USA USA by Morrigan Alexandros

Over the last few months, there has been a sort of Occupy the Capitol and Tax Revolt movement going on. A lot of criticism and debate has inundated the ePages of some newspapers. Like its real life counterpart, it has not resulted in anything conclusive other than voicing discontent.

...Or not.

Well, I hear your discontent and now I want to challenge you to stop talking about it and write an constructive and detailed Tax Proposal. Cause frankly, I am tired of hearing you talk and I want some action.

This is not a contest, you won’t win anything. This is a call for different perspectives and ideas. This is a call for your proposed tax reform.


1. Publish the tax proposal in your newspaper.
2. Post in a comment under this article.
3. Make sure you address VAT, Import tax and Income Tax for each of the industries:

a. Food
b. Weapons
c. Weapons RMs
d. Food RMs
e. Hospital
f. Defense System
g. Houses
h. Tickets

4. Why would an increase or decrease be favorable?
5. Possible negative outcomes?
6. Visual ai😛 I would like some graphs and pics!

Other rules: No trolling or mudslinging in your article.

Start working. IF it makes sense and proves beneficial, I will bring it to Congress and to the Economic Counsel for discussion.

(Insert a Pfeiffer “this is dumb” comment.)