SPABA Winner (Feb.8-13) and Nominees (Feb.14-21)

Day 460, 21:23 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

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Welcome to another round of Shameless Plug Award nominations. Pardon the late reveal and even later announcement of last week’s winner. While we’re on the subject, here is your glorious pick for the Best Article of the Week for Feb. 8-13:

“Zanalan's eCanada” by Alias Vision of The Freeholder Press.

He’ll take home the 50 CAD and will perhaps grace us with an interview from the winner’s podium, but don’t expect The Shameless Plug’s questions to be anywhere near as insightful those of Freeholder Press.

And now we bring you today’s most serious business: Nominees for The Shameless Plug Award for Best Article of the Week for Feb 14–21.

Since the editor was out of town on business (SPA for Best Tequila – Sauza Reposado), he was not able to read all articles of this past week. Dominik kindly volunteered and valiantly sourced all articles for the week’s Final Five. The Shameless Plug appreciates the work that went into finding these top picks:

1. “Enhancing Our Prosperity: eCanada's Sleeping Population” by Dade Pendwyn of The Boomer Bugle.
The Plug: Read it and liked it. Yup, eCanada needs an eCoffee, double sugar to sweeten the wake up call.
Best Lines: The solution lies in our treatment of new players: too many are leaving or failing to get involved properly in the community. Granted, eCanada's average level of 9 (compared to 13 globally) is largely due to the boom, but we must reject this as an excuse for complacency. Hungary has almost already surpassed us in all major average categories despite having a monumental influx of brand new players.

2. “Bored Of eRepublik? Wishing There Was More To Do? 3 Part Series” by Banach of The Ottawa Guardian.
The Plug: Read it and liked it. It’s the OG get-up-and-GO series. So make that another eCoffee to wake up bored eCanadians. Feeling invigorated yet? Okay, now get out there and do something about it.
Best Lines: Many new users get bored of the game after a month of playing as they think that it involves working, training, running for political office and browsing the forums. Well, in part, that is absolutely right, but what makes the game is not the limited game engines but the possibilities outside of the game mechanics and its community!

3. “Goodbye Canada! :3” by Bong of Koran Komik.
The Plug: Read it and thought, “I love the smell of [newsprint] in the morning.” Smells like a challenge eCanada, smells like a fight! Now are you going to sit there and cry over spilt syrup? Who will raise the level of eCanadian journalism/comic strips once again? Farewell, Bong.
Best Lines: Canada. Your media is boring. I only see few >50 votes article, and none of them are informative (imho). Try better. 🙂

4. “Party for the Parties – 3 Part Series” by Alias Vision of The Freeholder Press.
The Plug: Read it, and read it, then read it some more until the all-niter party came to an end. Exhaustive reporting at its finest. It’s fair to say that many readers appreciate the time needed to formulate questions and gather responses for this cross-spectrum look into current political transitions and party-line voting.
Best Question: The Freeholder Press asked in light of the recent rash of prominent eCanadians jumping from one party to the next and the current vogue of party re-branding, would you say that politics is a serious matter in this country or has it lost much of its gravitas? Is the role of the political party changing?

5. “Keeping Boomers - Our Untapped Potential” by Dade Pendwyn of The Boomer Bugle.
The Plug: Read it and …what! Another nomination for The Boomer Bugle!? Ah well, perhaps it should have been labelled a serial like the others. Even so, I’m in agreement with Dominik; it’s a horn worth tooting twice. And this time it’s playing Reveille
Best Line: If we can keep more of our new players, we're one large step along the path of obtaining our rightful place among world powers; for this reason proper integration of Boomers should be a priority in eCanadian parliament.

These are your SPABA Nominees of the week. Please get out to the at your nearest to vote up this week’s best eCanada journalism. They gave their best to put the best in print for you, so please give them a read and your vote. Congrats and good luck to all nominees!