Second Run

Day 535, 06:30 Published in USA Romania by James Strife

First off, I was pleasantly surprised by the number of positive responses I received following my first article. Although I was doing the "badger, badger, badger" on IRC about my article, (looks at tdwester), thanks so much for all of the positive feedback.

Second, I thought I would give a little update on my happenings in eRepublik over the past few days. I have recently been trying to get the Society Builder achievement by inviting all of my friends to eRepublik and asking them to play to level 6 before they decide to stay or quit playing. One of my friends (A Belgian National), I believe is playing for the sole reason of liberating his home region of Belgium. I am stunned by the number of my friends that have taken a liking to the game, regardless of whether they’ll stay two clickers or become more deeply involved in the social networking of the game.

Some side notes about MoW: Aiden is moving up to be in scrabman's cabinet for this term. With Aiden gone, this leaves MoW to be run by Ekim and I. While we are skilled enough to maintain it, alas it is finals time for me and him, and likely for him. MoW might fall behind just a little bit this week. I myself have 3 projects to do, one of which is finished. I also just completed my AP Calc exam this week, which set me back in doing those projects. But, we will have the MoW program running smoothly by Monday. For the beginners, if you have any questions feel free to add me and PM in game or you can generally find me on IRC when I'm there.

I adamantly suggest reading Joe DaSmoe's most recent article about wellness and fighting, particularly if you need some further help understanding the mechanics of it all:
Fighting and Wellness

Thanks for the support.

Until next time,

James Strife
Lead MoW Distributor
Proud Member of the USWP