Job Security: Why does an employer fire you?

Day 533, 10:15 Published in USA USA by Joe DaSmoe

That's right wellness. Many players seem to trudge through this game bouncing from job to job, getting fired over and over again because of their low wellness level.

Why does it matter? Productivity. Here is an example:

An employee who is skill level 4 and has 95 wellness produces: 17.4 units
An employee who is skill level 4 and has 40 wellness produces: 10.8 units

Over a 60% difference.

Its simple, the more you produce the more you are worth to your company. A player who maintains wellness is far more productive and as a result, earns more money and maintains job security. Gold is hard to come by when you first start playing this game. You receive 5 gold for every 30 days you work in a row. ( Hard worker medal) When you allow your wellness to remain low, you run into the problem of being of being fired. If you are not careful getting fired can screw up your chance to get your Hard Worker Medal.

For quite some time, the USA has been engaging in active war games. Fighting in battle is the the single most effective way to maintain your wellness. All you have to do is MOVE to a state with a high quality hospital. It does not matter what state you live in in eRepublik, living in Ohio because you live there in real life, will get you no where. Ever wonder why it is that you can live in one state and work across the country? State residence doesn't matter.

Our country has only two Q5 Hospitals, one in Florida and one in New Jersey. Why does that matter? Q5 hospitals give you 50 wellness points when you heal.

Here is how you heal after fighting.

First off, you need to be at or above 40 wellness to be able to fight. If you are below that, find a friend who is willing to trade gifts with you in order to boost your wellness up.

Once you click fight, it will pop up a stats page that shows your damage, etc. On the bottom of that page, click the tab that says go back to battlefield. On this page, you will see a spot in the center of the page that says you can receive wellness from the Hospital.(If your state has one)

Click the link that says Hospital and you will then be taken to your state's page. Once there, click Heal and BAM you just gained 50 wellness points (provided you are in FL or NJ)

A player that starts the day with 40 wellness, can fight once (you lose 10 wellness per fight) end up at 30 wellness, heal and have a resulting wellness of 80. Once you do that, you can then fight the next day ( YOU CAN ONLY HEAL ONCE PER DAY) until your wellness is at 50. Once you hit 50 wellness, heal and voila, you have attained 100 wellness.

Its extremely easy to do, and I hope this helps some of you guys understand just how easy it is, and why your employer keeps firing you.

Good Luck, get that wellness up, make mo money!

Here are a few articles that go a little more in detail on wellness and fighting.

Wellness 101
Fighting 101
Boot Camp: basic war fighting for new citizens by Commandant Eugene Harlot
The Wellness Factor by Jaditus