News From Switzerland 4/9

Day 1,602, 09:20 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Trogdorthetroll100


1.Introduction to the work of the Ministry of Information

2.The Chilean and Turkish baby boom

3.Other news from around the world

4.Interview with CP Dan/naD Wilshire and Uros95

5.Did you know?

Introduction to the work of the Ministry of Information:

This article is the first of many from the Ministry of Information. Our article will be issued every Monday and Friday. The main role of the MoInfo is to inform citizens of eSwitzerland about things in the eworld that you may not have known about. We have introduced the column "Did you know?” where you can see some interesting things in eRepublik. There will be another interesting feature, about economic and military analysis, but you can expect that in the next article!

The Chilean and Turkish baby boom:

As you can see over the past couple of days there have been 2 large baby booms, one in Turkey and the other in Chile. A major cause of Turkeys baby boom was due to the fact that Bulgaria left EDEN and they started a war against the Turks. On the other side of the world, Chile was kicked out of Terra,and Argentina started a war with them.

How to make the baby boom?

It is necessary to agree with national newspaper or any newspaper in the country that can be read on the internet and it turn bring an influx of players to the game. Naturally headline must be compelling, such as: "Bulgaria attacked Turkey"! or, "Argentina invaded Chile” So the titles have to be convincing. We also need people who will engage with the article and feel a patriotic urge to help their country, even through a game.

Turkey baby boom:

Turkey after leaving the ONE, came to join Eden, but it is prevented that Bulgaria has consistently put its veto on the entry, as while Turkey was a member of ONE they had caused lots of problems with Bulgaria. So when Bulgaria tried to get some regions from Turkey controlled Iran to help with their economic bonuses, Turkey got backed by Eden which led to Bulgaria leaving the alliance. After that Bulgaria carried on the war with Turkey, and several days after the war, Bulgaria successfully won the region in Turkey (Iranian region). It was believed the Turks deepened the desire for revenge, and the people organized a baby boom by issuing more articles in national newspapers. Also Plato helped the baby boom by promoting the newspaper on Facebook.

Here is the newspaper: CLICK TO OPEN

Turkey got over 6000 new citizens in 2 days and now they have over 14000 citizens, and they are on 2nd place after Serbia whose population has declined.

Chile baby boom :

In short... The cause of the baby boom in Chile is due to the current war with Argentina which occurred due to ejection of Chile from the alliance Terra because Chile refused to let Argentina to get border with New Zealand, and Chile were expelled, because Argentina is more important ally then Chile, who was much weaker.

On this subject I talk with one of organizer of this baby boom.

Mr. xKodakx

Hello there, Thanks to be interested in our Baby Boom, I’m glad to answer your questions.

Mungos95-Which newspapers helped you?

First, it was only my newspaper, no one else helping me, but we have many Chileans publishing articles about BB and getting some more help from different players.

You can find article here: CLICK TO OPEN

Mungos95-How many citizens did Chile get? And how many you expect?

How many citizens Chile got?, We don’t have numbers for everyone, but we are helping on IRC on almost 8 channels, we're in MU channels, and at #babyboom.chile and #crecer (last one help on baby boom and also supply weps for battles). Yesterday we received like 2.900 new citizens, and we were expecting no more than 400 or 500, now we hope from those 2.900 or more, stay playing 3/4 or more.

Mungos95-Anything else if you want to say?

- Now, I have stock of FOOD, but Don’t have many stock of weapons, I’m receiving any Quality of weapons to help our children, Yesterday I gave more than 300 weapons only helping babies, and like 100~130 Q6 to help on battles on Chile; Also gave like 1500 food units helping new babies, today I expect give more or to give some units to other players who already are giving food to them 😁

So Chile also gained a lot of citizens. Just today you gained 1000 citizens. Here is the article:


Why is this important? Because you live in a country that has a small population! Chile has demonstrated that 7 days it is possible to change their status in the eWorld and is now becoming a stronger country! Let hope Switzerland came become a stronger country!

Other news from around the world

USA and Spain have signed a treaty, ending the constant war that has been going on for months. Over the last few months, Spain has been between 0-3 regions at a time. This will ensure they get most of their country back, but the US will retain the vital resources it needs in two regions it will be renting. Read more on that, here

Last month, Bowen199 announced that Switzerland was considering leaving neutrality. Keep reading to hear our current president, Dan/naD Wilshire’s view on the issue.

Interview with the Presidential candidates

The Presidential Race: This month, Dan/nad Wilshire beat out Uros95 in a very close race, beating him 44-34, with 56.41 percent of the votes. It was an exciting day, down 5 total votes from last month but up one vote from two months ago. Dan was the Anti-Imperialist Movement candidate, and Uros95 was a Swiss Freedom Party candidate.

Uros95 responded to the interview. Here are his words

Trogdor: After losing the recent Presidential elections, what are your plans for the future?

Uros95: I started to fight against Guillontinism 2 months ago and I will continue to do it.

Trogdor: Could we expect you to run for Swiss President in the near future?

Uros95: Yes, when I think I can be most active I may candidate again.

Trogdor: What do you think or hope Dan/naD will get done in this term?

Uros95: Hmm I think joining an alliance, get the SNA in order...more I can't say so I will wait to see what he will do.

Trogdor: Is there a side you prefer in the Teden/ONE battle? Anything you would like to say about Swiss neutrality?

Uros95: I can only say that neutrality is not working here and we must finally choose a side.

Trogdor: Is there anything else you would like to add?

Uros95: Hail Baguettes! And sorry for my mistakes in english!

Dan/nad Wilshire also responded to the interview. Here is his view

Trogdor: How is your term looking? Is everything set and ready to go?

Dan/na😨 It is early days to give a clear judgement on how the term is going, however all my ministers having taking up an active role in their jobs and they all seem willing to work with each other to make sure everything gets done.

Trogdor: What do you think about Switzerland and neutrality?

Dan/na😨 I believe that neutrality can only work for a short amount of time. I believe that we should try and move away from neutrality and I plan to get involved with making sure Switzerland can find an arrangement that works well for us.

Trogdor: Will you use the media in order to get out your agenda to the Swiss citizens?

Dan/na😨 I have always been a fan of the media, whenever I have had a role in a government position I have ensured that I have put out as many articles as possible. I plan for me and my ministers to use the media to ensure that the people know what is going on, so that I can be transparent. I don’t want to hide anything from the public.

Trogdor: Do you have a good relationship with congress? Will you get things done this way?

Dan/na😨 I hope that I have a good relation with congress but only they can tell you that for certain. But the discussions we have are productive and they seem fine with helping get the necessary laws passed. They do a great job and they ensure that everything is thoroughly looked over before we go forward with anything.

Trogdor: Who is your favourite Swiss President of all time?

Dan/na😨 My favourite president of all time? I would have to say Rican.

Trogdor: Why are they your favorite?

Dan/na😨 He is a very patriotic person and during his term he worked day and night to ensure that Switzerland we in the best position possible. He was very hard working and I have a lot of respect for him because of that. But all the other presidents I have seen have been pretty awesome too!

Trogdor: Is there anything else you would like to say?

Dan/na😨 I would like to wish all my ministers good luck and I hope we can work together to make this country stronger!

Newspapers you need to know

Swiss Ministry of Education

Swiss presidential cabinet

Today’s Battle Orders

Bread Distribution

Ministry of Health

This is special section, were you can find out some interesting things from eRepublik!

Did you know .... that the youngest CP is the current president of Turkey. He is only 12 day old, and this is his first medal. Here here's his profile: cCc STANKO cCc

Did you know.... that if you dissolve Q3 raw wep or food company , you will get 5 golds and you can buy Q4 raw company! [5g * 1670 CHF = 8350 + add 250 CHF and buy Q4]

Well there you have it!

That concludes the first edition of the Swiss National media. Please vote, shout and subscribe for more articles from the Ministry on Information. Fridays edition will be posted from here à

Thanks for reading! This was a joint article by:


~Swiss Minister of Information~


~Swiss Vice-Minister of Information~

Dan/naD Wilshire

~Country President and Editor~