MrCarey for Party President, WTP

Day 2,519, 06:23 Published in USA USA by MrCarey

What’s up party people!? I am running for Party President for We The People this month. This will be for a second term to follow up what I’d like to call a successful first term. We The People had an awesome month last month, and I’m here before you all (in article form) to ask for your support in the elections to keep this momentum rolling.

It was an absolute pleasure serving We The People as the Party President (PP) for the September - October term. I had a great team of cabinet members whom accomplished many things that needed attention in the party. There were also changes within the cabinet during my term to achieve and maintain the high level of efficiency I was aiming for.

When I entered office, I made a promise of efficiency, communication, and productivity. I released weekly newsletters containing information on the inner-workings of the party. These newsletters were my “solution” for better inter-party communication. For efficiency, if at any time I felt a department was not pulling its weight, the position changed hands.

Each week I set out goals for each department to achieve during the week, each week we completed 90% of those goals. This leads me to productivity. During my term, Feed The World was transformed into Whalefare, all the crucial documents pertaining to our party’s infrastructure were updated to include current and accurate information, our party had one extra congressman elected compared to the previous month and also had 100% congress representation last week, and our total party member count has grown.

So why vote for me again? Well, if you like what I did with the party last month, you can expect the same dedication and attention again this term if I’m re-elected as PP. During my term I also became the Secretary of Education in the Department of Education. I picked the department up from death, refilled the positions, and it’s now up and running again. I got the QotD going again, and with the help of David MacDaniel, the American University is back in action and even has citizens enrolled. Even with this new position, I’ve maintained the same level of integrity of the PP position I was elected into.

Everything I talked about in my Party President campaign article last month was followed through with. I didn’t leave anything on the table for someone else to finish. You can expect that again if I’m re-elected. Though I may not have specific goals this time around, I’m going to focus on keeping this momentum we’ve built going. I want our party to remain efficient and focused, I want it to keep growing, and I want the members of the party to feel included. These are my goals for a new term, and I hope that the members of We The People make these goals their own as well.

Party President, We The People
Secretary of Education, eUSA
Congressman, WTP