It's Only Natural - Vote For This Necessary Addition To eRep!

Day 718, 18:24 Published in USA Albania by KOSOVA Batoa

This article was inspired by Kuhaa of Finland's article, Open Letter to Admins – Please Give Us Bacon

And is a cleanly written, satirical-yet-serious, non-sexist, positive suggestion for both Men & Women citizens of eRep! Believe me, I used A LOT of restraint on this😉

I humbly request you VOTE & SUBSCRIBE now if you agree.

Instead of bacon, I say... give us BOOTY!

“Give me booty! Or give me death.” - Julian Mizu, Nov. 5th, 2009

Airtight Argument:

-Who doesn't like booty?

-It's only natural.

-Everyone likes booty.

-It was God's idea.

-Booty is good, scratch that, booty is incredible.

-Boys and girls alike enjoy booty.

-It will increase the eRep population.

-Player retention. Who wouldn't come back if they had a chance of getting some more booty?

-Everyone likes booty.


Booty can be given away, like a gift, but it has to be earned. Though I guess it could also be bought. Their would be different levels of booty.

Q1 Booty = nasty booty
Q2 Booty = decent booty
Q3 Booty = good booty
Q4 Booty = hello booty
Q5 Booty = Top-notch, “I'll do anything for you”, booty

A dose of booty would boost wellness by...well...a Q1 just a little. To Q5, by at least a hundred or so, min. Yes, we would have to redo the whole wellness topping off at 100 thing. A small measure of sacrifice I'd say. For such a great progression in the game.

However the booty wellness would have a half-life of 2days. So while Q5 booty could make you feel twice as good(2xwellness), it would wear off as in RL.

It would also increase xp significantly. Once again based on Q level and explained in this formula:

ql² = xp
ql: quality level

So please Admin. Before bacon. Give us a chance to get a little booty on eRep. We promise we'll be back.

Thank you for listening, and in advance for making the right choice 🙂

Here's to booty!

Apologies ladies, I am a heterosexual male. And refuse to publish manpictures, so you'll have to google for yours 😉

Once again, I humbly request you show your support.

VOTE, SHOUT & SUBSCRIBE now if you agree!