Get an RW medal in India

Day 839, 20:39 Published in Ireland Canada by irishbhoy1967
The Yddubian Prophecy has foretold of an 'eternity of fail' should you vote for anyone except IBhoy this term. The choice is yours Ireland, you have been given the chance to save your own souls from eternal damnation. Our Lord God Almighty Emwolb only has a place in Paradise for IBhoy voters, the rest of you will continue to rot in your own excrement. An IBhoy victory will signal the beginning of a glorious new Heavenly era for e-Ireland.

Ireland, do you want Salvation and Glory? If so Vote IBhoy.

If you prefer swimming in shit, vote someone else.

It would be very foolish to ignore the Yddubian Prophecy.


Go😛 Yddub Emwolb

Disappointing Behaviour of a Labour Congressman
Labour would like to apologise to the nation over the recent behaviour of one of our congressmen, Mr Padraig Pearse. His actions cannot be justified by, nor do they have the support of the party. Effective immediately the Labour leadership are removing his membership rights within the party.

The war with UK
We believe that now is not a good time for war with UK, and indeed we had hoped that good diplomacy could have kept us on god terms with them for at least the foreseeable future. Alas we must go to war with our old foes, but hopefully this time there will not be the same bitterness involved as many people in both countries have become friends during the period of peace.

The failures of this Government
The Labour Party supports good Governance of the nation and will do what we can to aid that goal. However, we cannot be alone in wanting good governance, nor indeed unity. ILP and EA have this past term supported a known


to be CP of this country. Not only that but the same candidate also claimed to be interested in unity. EA and ILP cannot take the moral high-ground if this is the type of person they support and defend.

Congress failed in the last few days. This was in no small part thanks to the attitude of the President when dealing with congress. You cannot simply tell congress they are retards if they don't agree with you, and then expect them to support proposals you make without any notice whatsoever. It is equally as unacceptable that the President of the country and his cabinet members threaten PTOs of domestic Irish parties in the congress thread

Nor is it acceptable conduct from our President to wear avatars depicting terrorist organisations in an effort to troll a bordering country who he claimed(laughably) he wanted to avoid conflict with.

It seems he speaks to other countries the same way he speaks to his own congress. No wonder things have gone pear-shaped.

There simply could not have been a worse person to lead this country if morality and unity is what you claim to be interested in.

We hope that we can all start putting forward and supporting more level-headed and decent candidates in future.

Join The Labour Party Now
Join Labour now and be part of restoring some pride in the e-Irish Left!
Positions are available, the only requirement is activity and a willingness to do your best.

Help us restore Ireland to it''s former glory!

Join Now and make our future as glorious as our past!

Labour ABÚ

The Solidarity Programme
Members of the Labour Party, your welfare is important to us. I am glad to announce to you the new Labour Party Solidarity Programme.

-The programme will run between the 17th-20th of each month
-All you need to do is to be a genuine Labour Party member and apply for the programme between these dates. You don't need to do anything else
-After you apply you will be sent 100 Q7 Weapons

100 Shiny Q7s dropped in your storage each month

Labour Party Communes
Our Party Commune system is up and running. Supplies for Commune workers will be 8 Q7 Weapons per day. To join the Labour Commune System, just PM me and I'll sort your place out.

Claims from IFP Spokesman not true
Recently the Spokesman for the Irish Freedom Party made claims that his party and others were going to PTO The Labour Party. The leader of the IFP has since apologised to The Labour Party for his spokesman's conduct and has assured us that he will be instructing his party members not to interfere in the elections of The Labour Party. We are relieved to hear of this seeing as The Labour Party once came to the aid of the Irish Freedom Party in their hour of need to prevent them being PTOed. We thank him for this and wish the IFP all the best in their future endeavours.

IFP does not forget when Labour saved their party

Independent Labour Party Legend gives merger seal of approval
World famous ILP member and e-Ieland's talisman Yddub has given the thumbs-up to the recent merger. He allowed himself a brief moment of delight at the news even though he was clearly a very distressed man as he chased a Tesco truck in an effort to rescue his trusty steed.

Don't worry Yddub, Labour will save your horse

Join The Labour Party Now
Join Labour now and be part of restoring some pride in the e-Irish Left!
Positions are available, the only requirement is activity and a willingness to do your best.

Help us restore Ireland to it's former glory!

Join Now and make our future as glorious as our past!

Labour ABÚ

Custodian of The Labour Movement

After extensive talks, the Democratic Leadership Committee of the Independent Labour Party have taken the decision to merge with The Patriots party. This merger will see both parties come together under the banner of The Labour Party, uniting the left in Ireland and resurrecting the greatest Left-wing party in eRepublik history.

As founder of both of these parties I give this merger my full blessing!

Congress Elections
Final vote count sees us gain a very respectable 11 seats, joint winners with EA, proving that the transition period of the merger went very smoothly and that the new Democratic Leadership Committee has the full support of the Left in Ireland.

An element within Ireland seems hell-bent on subverting democracy by claiming that the democratically elected leader of the Labour Movement, Cydp, is a multi. Nothing could be further from the truth. These are shockingly underhand tactics from people who care nothing for Ireland nor the Labour Movement. Fear not comrades, we shall rise above it in our usual dignified manner.

WHS and Liam Tatlock, hijackers of the Labour Party

These snakes have gotten so used to their cosy positions that they seem willing to stoop to any level to keep them, including slander the name of decent left minded people. No longer will we sit back and watch them abuse their positions! No longer will we allow them to hijack the left in this country! They have strayed from the founding principles of the party and now we are taking it back.

Join The Labour Party Now
Join Labour now and be part of restoring some pride in the e-Irish Left!
Positions are available, the only requirement is activity and a willingness to do your best.

Help us restore Ireland to it''s former glory!

We can offer weekly supplies of weapons and/or food to all true Labour Members, regardless of what MU you belong to!

Join Now and make our future as glorious as our past!

Labour ABÚ

Custodian of The Labour Movement

3 years ago today I started playing this game. And today I will be leaving e-Ireland. It's been fun, but the way things have been going around here lately it makes it harder to enjoy my retirement properly. So, it is with great regret that I have decided to move somewhere less retarded. I've already picked out a nice little place in the English Countryside and I've decided that it's worth spending some of my massive pension on.

My new gaff

Kurgan has kindly agreed to be my Butler, free of charge. I'm taking his Silence on the matter as an acceptance of my kind offer.

So, on the day of my 15th Patriot medal, I bid farewell to you all and wish you every success in dealing with the incompetence of the Independent Labour Party as they drag you from one retarded mess to another.

WHS and Comrade Lovely heading to work

Goodbye and good health to my friends(you know who you are)

Unity. Ireland has never had it. And we certainly never will by electing the most partisan player in the country. WHS's latest stunt shows just how desperate he is to cling onto power, just for the sake of having it. He's had his chance to improve the country and has failed many times over.

Unity requires a few elements. One is a common cause. Another is someone that naturally inspires unity. Someone that rides a horse. WHS can deliver neither. My guy can...


Anyone here that can't unite behind Yddub is someone Ireland is better off without. If you don't vote for Yddub then you're not very intelligent, probably ugly, boring and have no likeable personality traits.

Picking a few people from another party to be in Cabinet doesn't mean unity. That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard. If you want real unity, then vote for the man that has bailed Ireland out countless times. Who has contributed to our Community more than all the rest of us put together, without ever looking for so much as an iota of credit or recognition for doing so. Yddub is Mr. Ireland.


President: Yddub Emwolb. The greatest e-Irelander of All-Time. OUR TALISMAN.

Vice-President: moomoohead. One of the most radical, inventive and fun players we've ever had here. A terrible speller but an all round good guy and a player of the highest calibre, moo is a one off. Moo wants all his friends to vote for Yddub.

Minister of Finance: Sweet Drinker. Sweet has agreed to come out of retirement to make us rich again. I'll personally donate 100,000 IEP to the treasury if it's in the capable hands of Sweet.

Minster of Defence: MUFC92. Simply the best man for the job.

Minister of Foreign Affairs: Me. Been MoFA a gazillion times in a few countries. Can do that job in my sleep. I'm comin' out of retirement, bitches.

Minister of Community:: James Keiller and Stilpo. What a pairing. 101% awesomeness is sure to result from this.

Minster of Silence: Castaneda. Takes over this Ministry seeing as he beat Kurgan's ass in the Battle of the Libertads.

Minster of something something just-put-him-in-there-somewhere-ffs: Malbekh.

What this Yddub Adminsistration will bring to you

We'll get this dump back on track.

So Ireland, you have one last chance to save yourself from being sh*t forevermore.


Sponsored by The fock you lookin' at Party. Join Now 🙂

Bootcamp is focked, in the spirit of unity and pretending we give a fock and blah blah blah whatever

Donate as much as you can to Irasian or Fredo.


The Fock you lookin' at leadership

Lliam, IBhoy, Padraig and Big Sexy Black Man

An ILPer / IFPer running away with e-Ireland's cash ;___;

First off, Best of luck to the new Government. Hopefully they won't fail as pathetically as the last few Administrations.

Ok, so the outgoing Government have not bothered to keep the public updated on the recent robbery, so I'll try. The admin/mods have confirmed a few things about the recent robbery of the e-Irish treasury orgs.

1- That the Orgs were not "hacked" and whoever stole the money had regular access to all National Orgs, i.e. someone from the Bean&Teddy Adminsitration

2- That the stolen money was ALL sent to ONE persons account.

3- That the Passwords and E-mails to all National Orgs were changed on the 10th of September, the day after Sweet Drinker retired as Governor of the Bank.

This would imply that whoever took the money-
- acted alone
- was someone from the Bean&Teddy Administration
- was not Sweet Drinker

So, here is the list of the Bean Government-


Winston Hope Smith





Sweet Drinker Retired 9th Sept, Passwords & Emails were changed meaning he had no access to any National Orgs from this point onwards


Anthony Colby


Ethel Rosenberg

Now for some questions for the outgoing ILP/IFP Government. The Independent Labour Party / Irish Freedom Party have been crowing for a long long time about how transparency would be a major part of Government if they got into power. So they should have no trouble in answering a few simple questions for the public.

Question 1:

Who in the above list had access to all of the National Orgs after 10th of September?

Question 2:

Who was involved in changing the Passwords and Emails to all of the National Orgs on 10th of September?

Question 3:

Was there a Document containing all the Passwords and Emails after 10th of September, and if so, who had access to it?

Question 4:

How much, approximately, was stolen from the Irish National Orgs?

Question 5:

The fock you looking at?
Join of Fock off.

Hopefully a senior member of the previous Government can be bothered to answer these simple Questions 1-5 for the public.

If you're name is in the above list and you did not take part in the robbery, please state your case in the comments of this article and show us that you did not have access to all of the National Orgs.

I've been sent some food by Polish player Batreh to give out to e-Irish players.

I'll match his donation also and gonna give preference to Boot Camp members, or other young e-Irish players seeing as they are the ones who would have been affected the most by the schizophrenic actions of the country in the past week. Just comment below and I'll send food out over the next few days whenever I get a chance.

PS: Well done to both Kilkenny and Galway yesterday for giving us one of the best games I've seen in any sport for years.

PPS: A Reminder To All Jackeens and West Brits, That There Will Be No Skangers On The Hill This September. "The Dubs" Are Gone Back To Being

Over-Hyped Chokers Again ;____;

Alan Brogan confusing his own face for a Football

So, MikeBane has been in high spirits recently, giving lessons in morality as well as all things e-Scottish. Like others, he just can't seem to get over events that happened years ago. Events that have been settled many times over. I'm amazed that events from so long ago are used to undermine an entire group that one might happen to hate, instead of using current events such as my recent flogging of Dublin to the Brits at a knockdown price! 😃

My most recent traitorous act

Still, if he wants to dig up the past, the least he could do is tell the whole story.

Here he refers to the granting of Citizenship to PTOers by Padraig and OJ. Both Padraig and OJ were Irish Army members at the time and like the eejits they are, granted Irish Citizenship to 2 BCH members who were considered enemies of Ireland at the time. They let everyone in the country down by doing this, not least myself. Eventually this attempted PTO was destroyed by myself and Marcus Suridius, when we executed a plan to make both the BCH and the eUK to look utterly stupid in one go. It took a lot of time and work, and I openly criticised OJ and Padraig at the time for what they did. However, somehow this PTO attempt is used to discredit ALL of the ICA years later.

Mike is quick to point out the involvement of Padraig and OJ in this saga, yet conveniently forgets his own. Mike, who was Vice President of Ireland at the time, collaborated with the BCH PTOers in his quest for political power in Ireland. He bribed them in an attempt to secure their backing, in his dream of "One Party. One Island. One People. One Leader"

22:07 Maddog Well, give us 100g and we'd go back to the UK
22:07 Maddog we'd gloat and troll a lot about our winnings
22:07 Maddog but we'd leave
22:07 MikeBane I will consider. But how about this...will this convo be disclosed?
22:07 Maddog Of course not
22:08 Maddog we've paid up to all congressmen letting our guys in, we may be sneaky, but we are men of our word
22:08 MikeBane You're making things difficult, Maddog. Maybe we can work something out.
22:08 Maddog such as?
22:08 MikeBane I am working on a project, a project I don't want your PTO to mess up.
22:08 MikeBane Hint hint
22:09 Maddog What kind of a project?
22:09 MikeBane One to create a great ireland
22:09 Maddog How so?
22:09 MikeBane One Party. One Island. One People. One Leader.
22:10 Maddog A dictatorship?
22:10 MikeBane Yes. And I am using your PTO as a reason to take away the citizen's rights to trial and also to keep tabs on people..
22:11 Maddog And what would you like from us?
22:11 MikeBane To keep posing as a threat, to be my enemy so the Irish Government can take away their rights.
22:11 MikeBane You can be paid
22:11 MikeBane weekly
22:12 MikeBane possibly in gold too
22:12 Maddog I don't know if I trust you
22:12 MikeBane I told you what I plan to do. I am a man of my word, but I need a counterpart to enact this plan
22:13 Maddog I can do this, if you enact emergency measures against us in an anti-PTO measure
22:13 Maddog ie, get everyone in one political party
22:14 Maddog of course, I'd need an upfront payment to the Clubhouse as a matter of trust
22:14 MikeBane That is exactly my plan. I want IA members to get into every political party and run for PP, also to run for Dail.
22:14 MikeBane An upfront payment of 5 gold?
22:14 Maddog That sounds fair.
22:15 MikeBane I will PM you about the "timeline" for this plan
22:15 Maddog ok, sure
22:15 Maddog
22:15 Maddog that's my profile link for the payment
22:16 MikeBane Alright. Also, exposing this plan will not turn the people against me. But, however, if it were to be linked to me...we'd need to look like EVERY government official was a part of it
22:16 Maddog That sounds fine. And I won't expose it, it helps us directly
22:16 Maddog I have no reason to
22:17 MikeBane this talk never happened. You may lack a congress member or two, but you will be paid weekly
22:17 Maddog I'd need the first payment now
22:18 Maddog to be sure this isn't a trick
22:18 MikeBane I sent you 5 gold
22:18 Maddog awesome what position do you hold in the eIrish gov by the way?
22:18 MikeBane Vice President and Minister of State.
22:19 MikeBane However, I am been proposing laws against the constitution for "PTO" emergency
22:19 Maddog that's a good idea
22:20 MikeBane So long Maddog. We will talk again sometime
22:20 Maddog Indeed we will. Good speaking to you.

Mike's bribe to the PTOers

It's also funny that Mike mentions "PTO'ing a party" in his recent mudslinging against the ICA. He must also be conveniently forgetting that after he made a deal with the BCH PTOers, he went on to PTO Ireland's fairest Party, Eire Aonair, as part of his thirst for power.

It's not the only time Mike has won party elections by questionable means though. Mike, as most people know, is the founder of The Independent Labour Party. However, the night before he founded it, he was in an election against Bassy for the Party Presidency. He was losing, so he asked me for voters. I sent them. I got ICA members to move and vote for Mike who would not have won otherwise.

And even now in the present he is upto his old tricks again. He wildly claimed yesterday during his election for PP in the Scottish-Irish National Party, that real-life Scotsman and member of the ICA, Hamturk, was part of an ICA PTO of his party. Unless I am mistaken, Hamturk has been part of this party since it was founded. I am told by one of Ireland's most trustworthy citizens who had been monitoring the movement of members in and out of the party, that it was Mike in fact who had people change parties to vote for him during this election. ICA didn't move anyone. So it looks as if Mike fabricated this "PTO threat" to ensure he could win the PP election himself. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions on whether Mike is the right person to be throwing dirt.

Another amusing aspect of the whole BCH PTO saga being persistently brought up to undermine everyone in the ICA, is that OJ and Padraig were not the only ones to grant citizenship to the group. Castaneda and Grainne are probably the two loudest voices when it comes to dragging up this saga which almost everyone else has moved on from and left in the past. They continually bring it up and refer to it as something the ICA was responsible for. Yet, their own Party President at the time, Gonzo, also knowingly granted citizenship to the PTO group. They never mention this when they bring up the PTO attempt. Hardly surprising as they did not condemn him at the time either. He was defended by his party members, and allowed to continue in his position unopposed. He also did his best to prevent 600 Gold stolen from the ICA from being returned. Yet amazingly, none of us use this to throw dirt in their direction, or condemn their entire group because of it. Probably because we have all moved on, maybe they should too.

Why would I be angry? 🙂

Thanks guys. Appreciate it.

Though not all of my money came from plundering the takings from the 25% tax-rates....

Sold Dublin. Plundered the State coffers. Got away with it. Not bad 😃

Anyway, it's been fun guys but I can't hang around, this money ain't gonna spend itself. Between British and Irish state money I'm quite busy trying to spend it all. Trying to decide if I should upgrade to another Q7 company or just use it all on strength training and supplies.

EDIT: Success 🙂