From the Archives of eCanada Part 8: Invasion of the UK Part Uno

Day 1,435, 20:26 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

I'm not sure anyone remember that serie since it's been quite some time, 238 days to be more precise. We will see how long I will publish it, but for now I think it's safe to say that there is at the very least 2 or 3 more coming out after this one in a not too far future.

For the new ones that are not familiar with this, I would recommend for a full experience of this series that you start with the Part 1 which is located right at the end of my article. There is currently 8 (including this one) episodes that are covering a vast span of time and which relate most of the important change that happened in our country over the course of this game. You will also notice that each of these articles are vast, but it's crucial since there is so much to say. Enjoy your read!

Now let's get back to the main program. This chapter will span from the month of January 2010 to early March 2010.

The invasion of the UK: The first of many

Back in those days, invasions were specials because the amount of gold required was staggering, if just for the cost of attacking regions, as a region like London could cost around 800 gold just for the initial attack. And you would need to add to this the tanking gold, and the supplies for your various armies. Supplying at this time was quite different also since the production levels we're mediocre at best compared to current standarts. With this in mind, you can understand why people we're so excited when it all went down.

But was this a rushed invasion? Far from it. To put things in perspective, back then, Jacobi was the President and I was his minister of defence for my second term. The US was in EDEN, as well as Poland, Spain and Sweden. These are the main protagonist in this effort, and we can add Norway who made a serious contribution as well. Now back to the planning. Just before this, Spain was having fun wiping out France and Poland took out Germany. The UK was the last Phoenix country left in Western europe who could be a problem. Because war would work with active MPP only, activation was made only if you were attacked on original ground, and activation were permanent. This in mind, nobody dared to attacked the UK as it could mean being expelled from their colony of France or Germany. This is why we devised a plan to finish it once and for all with the UK.

As the Minister of Defence at the time, I will give you inside details of what went on behind the scene back then. One night, Jacobi came to me, and he asked me to prepare our troops and plan a full invasion of the UK with EDEN. Having practicly no interest there at the time, the Alliance was not convinced at first and I received strong opposition from the SC of the time, SHOOT. However, nothing was done about this thorn in our side. Eventually I started to contact every CP individually and gather up allies for our battle. The most enthusiastic was Dandersson, the swedish CP. This name would probably not ring any bell to any living Canadian atm, but he was a key factor in the planning phasis, as he was able to rally to our cause the Norwegian CP. We needed Norway as well as Sweden because they had active MPP against the UK, which would prove vital in our invasion. But the key factor was getting the US on board with this plan as they had the most MPP of all. They would be the one to strike the final blow in London. With a few meetings and an internal putsh against SHOOT, we finally were able to move on to the next phase. Gabriel Lavanche would lead and coordinate the assault of the combined EDEN armada.

At first it was going relatively well. We won the first battle against the UK in Scotland, which led to some pretty funny stuff. On their side, Norway would enter in Yorkshire, Poland and Sweden all taking a little chunck and even the US getting in later. Here is some stats of the epoch. It was really a tight squeeze and every move had to be planned in order not to cut ourselves off. Especially since London is a Fortres with only two access. This made it all the more harder to get there. After some time, we progressed toward the inner country and Canada was left in the North to finish off the remaining UK resistance in Northern Ireland. This gave birth to one of the very first Irish-Canadian joint operation. As the MoD, I had the pleasure to first meet a young irishbhoy1967 and his revolutionnaries. They gladly accepted to come and help us. Here's is the hero of the day own word on how that went:

''I suppose our reasons for getting involved were that we (ICA) had just formed as a militia and had been basically fighting in training wars up until this point. There was a global war going on right on our doorstep and we wanted in on it. I myself was p much a noob at the time, leading a bunch of noobs and and a few oldfags. It was a different game back then, even a bunch of noobs like ourselves counted because every damage point counted, moreso than it does today. Tbh we couldn’t believe when you contacted us that you took so much time to bring us on board and that you took such an interest in us as a group. Hooking us up with some nice shiny Q5 and Q3 Weapons helped make us feel welcome(Q5s were like goldust back then) We really were glad to be there. The battle for Northern Ireland between Canada and UK+Phoenix MPPs was a truly epic experience for all who took part that day. To be honest I miss the Canada of those days, everyone fighting toward a single goal. Socially it was a great place to be imo and although we failed that day to win mostly due to 2 Russian bots fighting something like 40 thousand times, it was a truly epic battle. Everyone who fought together that day did so as a team, with a smile on their face. Both e-Canada and e-Republik were grander places back then, and the battles were without question on a more grander scale. There were so many people involved that day that are no longer playing and that is a crying shame that our community is so much smaller today. There are many memorable battles from V1 that make me think about what this game has lost and that is one of them. And that certainly was the day the seeds were sown for what has become one of the tightest friendships between 2 countries in this game, Canada and Ireland, and I'm happy to have played a role in that. ''

A truly epic Momment, if even spoiled by that infamous MrFary. Speaking of this, I would like to direct you toward an article I wrotte about this cheating.

Despite the loss, Norway would later come in to make the kill. After this glorious momment came the fight for London. One hell of a battle ensued. Sadly, Eden Forces were divided between the Attack on Brazil by Poland for their Iron and the Strike on London by the americans. Ultimately, this move failed and we we're pushed back. In the aftermath, we lost not only our foothold in the UK, but we also allowed Serbia to step over a few country and landswap all the way across to asia and in to Liaoning, just a few months after we finally got Iran out of there. It was a big blow for the Allied forces and I can say that Pheonix really got back on their feet right after this. Once everyone got back to their border, peace was signed across the world. I wrotte a little aftermath(EN/FR) back in the days.

The Political Landscape being reshaped

While all of this was happening, something quite interesting happened in Canada on the political front. First off, it was the end of what is now referred today as the Jacobi era, 6 terms that we're only shortly separated by 2 term of William Duncan. Both of these 2 candidates ran under the CPP flagship. And it was back then considered that while the DAL and CPF held most of the legislative power, the CPP was kingmaker in it's own. They would also elect a president in March after 😉. This situation was however a torn in the side of the CPF and DAL, who afterall, had more members combined than the rest of the political parties, and by far.

An alliance was then concluded between these two parties in order to successfully break the CPP streak. It first failed at it's begginning in the Derek Harland (DAL) vs Jacobi (CPP) in January. They swore that things would be different the next time howeve. On February, the CPF-DAL conglomerate would bring JBdivinus in a battle versus another well respected canadian, Chamrajnagar representing the a coalition of CSD, CPP and a few minor parties. This alliance was seen as brittle to the outside observers because of the past divergence of the DAL and CPF, but it would serve it's purpose of gaining power nonetheless.

''Initially it was frustrating since they were the two most powerful parties in eCanada, and to have any chance against them seemed impossible but Cham did amazing things. And Jacobi v. Derek was epic.''

When asked how this deal was solid, our contributor had this to say:

''It was centered around teh deal. No way it would have lasted.I suppose they had a good reason to join forces. Jacobi was unbeatable :3. It was basically a mutual want to beat Jacobi that united them, so it's not surprising that it fell apart when he stopped running.''

With this feud out of the way, they would be able to deal a serious blow to what was considered, the old guard. Most anticipated a quick and decisive win in the election that followed.

Little we're they aware that Cham would send PM to nearly 3000 canadians the day before the election. Jbdivinus did some as well, but not nearly near what Cham did. This is what made this race interesting, in the end, no more than 30 vote separated the two. It was proven there that you could beat this Alliance, with a little more luck of course!

Jbdivinus had a good run as President, aside from a little Presidential PTO on the party of CHAOS, he did some good stuff. It was not stellar, but no error or Theft we're committed during that mandate. Overall history should regard him as a good President. He also made notable contribution to the Brolliance organisation along with Tyler F Durden. It is true that during his time relation with the US have seen a little rise. However they we're already quite high as a result from the north amerian invasion which left the two quite unified.

Well this is it for this episode! I hope you enjoyed this read althought I know it was extremely long!!!

Next up will be my own presidential term and a few shenanigans, Maybe I,ll even mix up some LSR! LSR! in there. I'll try to be as moderate on my bias...

Special thanks to my contributors of the day: Irishbhoy1967 for his comments and Nosyt for his research and lines.

Got something that would be interesting to talk about? Send me a PM and we'll try to hook it up in one of the next episode (if it hasn't been passed already).

The complete series:

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7