From the Archives of eCanada- Part1: The Pre French-Toast era

Day 1,042, 20:31 Published in Canada Canada by Chucky Norris

Good Evening Canada,

This will be a new series that I will be making to change a bit from the Media of the Masses I've been doing lately, sure it's funneh. But some of my readers wanted something more out of this newspaper and they shall get it as well!

First off, I will make this series bilingual so that both community will be able to enjoy the articles. This being said, I don't intend on releasing it simultaneously all the time. I will oftenly do it in two batch. And althought I naturally speak french, it's easier for me to writte in english (even if unperfect, GRAMMAR-NAZI BEGONE!), thus expect the english version to always be out first.

I don't know how many episode I'll be making, but one thing is clear, there will be many. And I'll try to cover each era as best as I can from what I recall, historic document and memories of direct witness. The topic that will be aboarded are mainly Politic Event, Military Operation and Foreign Affair Matter.

The first thing I will be covering tonight is the era that spanned from april 2008 to early december 2008. I would like to inform you however, that I wasn't there at this epoch, As I ''only'' started playing erepublick 600 days ago. Therefore, some details might be analysed only briefly, nonetheless this period is the beginning of Recorded history and needs to be covered. But I assure you that the next issue should be more detailed.

-The Nave Toe's war-

One of the last battle of Beta. Also known as the CanAm War, this war is not very well known amongts the younger citizen, wich is probably due to the relation between the two nation that some qualifie as a ''Bromance''. But it happened, at first it was mostly to get the US active again. Furthermore, it was definetly doable from a military point of view. Canadians back then were few, disorganised and without any major power backing them. From the US Point of view, the plan was sound, and could bring major reward as Canada has always been more luxuriant with high ressource region. It was Nave Saikiliah who started this war and later on was given the honor of having it's name on a war. However, there are some quite interesting piece of information that are only coming out today about the reason behind the war.

At first Dishmsdc was given the mandate to Sign up a PanAM Pact with Canada in order to foster economic cooperation. However one day, Neve switched right around and asked Dish to get the men's ready for war. This was a most unexpected turn of event even for dish: ''Awesome, I thought. I just spent two weeks negotiating an Alliance, and now I get to piss them off. In talking with him on chat, he changed my goal from coordinating with Canada to irritating them, something I tend to be quite good at.''. Dish also mentioned the lack of American Troops before the Invasion, as he mentioned in this conversation: ''I guess Operation Canadian Irritation was successful. We had around 30 troops. Sounds like a great start to invading Canada, when we were supposed to have 700 (hurr).''

As can be seen from the MEDIA at the epoch, the exchanges between the two country were quite harsh.

At the opening, it truly was a one way thing. Canadian region we're falling one after the other up to the point where only Nunavut was left standing. Even the American President would be seen taking on Faltnor himself as this article depicted.But as the Americans Pressed on further with their invasion, support started to arise all over in the world in support of the Canadian Fighters. Traditional allies such as Spain, the UK and Romania were along the people that helped us maintain our sovereignety but they weren't the only one. And this is interesting, It was member of the Mediteranean Alliance who came to help us, of wich we counted on France and Italy. It's quite surprising when you see how the world turned out. But these relation were mostly spoiled by the French Toast War that came after this. But I disgress as this will be discussed in another article.

The invasion also had the unexpected effect of being a game changer for Canada. The community became organised, methodic and dedicated. New player emerged such as Banach, already proven laeder stepped their game up as well to rally the few canadians of the time. Amongts the notable figure of the time we could see Adam Suttler, Jhon Wilkmot, Antonio Fonti. From this point, Unity would help them accomplish great deeds. As we've seen so many times, our country in itself doesn't hold itself together. To Achieve a real unity, we need a cataclysm, a tragedy that will put everyone on the same team. It is only in such circumstance that greatness can be accomplished in our nation. It could be considered sad, but when it really matters, we have a tendency to show our worth. As it can be seen in this article by president Nave, we can see how the perception of Canada changed in the eyes of America. It can now be argued that this conflict forged the respect needed to build a solid foundation to what would become later known as the Bromance.

Despite everything that was public, looting of the treasury was also quite blatant as can be seen in this quote:

''Nave ran for election again (amazingly, he won, mainly because he sent emails to every single active US citizen telling them he would “right” the US economy) against Dishmsdc and Benn Dover (who both won later). Upon leaving Office, out of the 2,100 Gold or so that the US treasury had, Nave stole all but 212 of it, along with about 100,000 USD (which he then proceeded to use to invade Hungary from Czechoslovakia, among other things). Faltnor got away with his Gold, Wilkmot allegedly stole assets from the Canadian Bank, and Fonti and a fair few others left to go run Switzerland (where they promptly took the assets from there as well, when Italy and France invaded them).''

Another quite interesting piece of archive would be this epic summary of the way by sutler himself

The Norsefire Revolution

This shift in Politics in Canada came to life from the Norsefire Party, wich would later on be renamed the CPF. At the time the Great figure behind this was none other than Adam Suttler. The Great leader that can embodies Excellence from the early days. Adam Suttler left such an impact on our society that he is still very present in legends today.

The revolution itself was one of social change. As before this momment there was very limited ministry. To level the field, the governement created company that would help young player to get a job and mentoring service. This was very helpfull in educating the mass and giving a boost to an economy that was still recovering from the CanAm War. The revolution also gave Canada one of it's most ancient treasure, the constitution of Canada. It's has since been modified a few time, but it's still a testament to it's origins.

Another important change is the developement of Relations at the international level. Bonds were thinghtened with many new nations that we came to know during the Can Am war. This made Canada an important player around the world as other country would be more and more interested in. This also was a test for the mettle of Suttler, as he has been faced with difficult choice between different allies. A conflict was brewing in Eastern Europe in what would become one the biggest rivalry in this game: Hungary and Romania. Canada was in debt to both of these country, and this is why the stance that has been chosen was a defensive one. Adam Suttler choose to defend whatever country would be attacked on it's home region. Never participating in any offensive action. This is the most notable Diplomatic event of the Norsefire Revolution.

At some point, the Norsefire Party started to see some growing opposition in the political scenery. The Social Democrats of Cottus Arci that rose up have been the first political split in Canada since the beginning of the Norsefire Revolution that lasted about 4 month. After this, a massive shift in politic occured and the CSD have been ruling most of the subsequent months.


At first Canada was Part of the Mediterranean Alliance. However this didn't lasted long as the members were divergent on many issue's. From this, Canada Followed Spain to Atlantis.

This alliance was pretty young during the era that is the focus of this article. But for the time being, we can retain that Atlantis had these members:

* Canada
* Croatia
* Finland
* Norway
* Poland
* Romania
* Spain
* Sweden
* UK

In the next article I will go more in depth of what was the role of Canada inside the alliance.

I hoped you liked this opener, and as I said, this was WAY before my time and thus hard to find any source for it. Next episode will likely be about French Toast and the arrival of the Boomers.

If you have any relevant material for the next episode, or famous quote, please send me a PM about it.

PS: Credits should go to Dishmsdc who helped me with quite a few data from the CanAm War.


Pour la version Française il va falloir attendre demain. Merci de votre compréhension.