EXTRA: Darshu's Executive Circus

Day 1,661, 11:49 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

Hey, it's ahava3233, writing unofficially as a congresswoman, representing a portion of the people, a citizen, and a journalist, and as speaker. I am also a congresswoman and speaker of congress here in eJapan, although I am primarily writing as a concerned citizen, not those titles, except regarding the motion I may decide to bring up in the future below. Anyway, I wanted to comment on the actions the new executive led by Darshu has taken in the past 48 hours or so.

Anyway, let me briefly mention the role of Darshu's administration, the office of the President/Prime Minister, technically the executive branch of our government, as given by wikipedia.

Executive Branch:
The executive branch is the part of government that has sole authority and responsibility for the daily administration of the state. The executive branch executes the law.

Now, let me mention the role of congress/the diet, technically the legislature of our government, as given by wikipedia.

A legislature is a kind of deliberative assembly with the power to pass, amend, and repeal laws. The law created by a legislature is called legislation or statutory law. In addition to enacting laws, legislatures usually have exclusive authority to raise or lower taxes and adopt the budget and other money bills. Legislatures are known by many names, the most common being parliament and congress, although these terms also have more specific meanings.

So basically, in a proper government, the executive branch makes sure day to day affairs are run properly as per the law, while the legislature passes laws that are then executed by the executive. As the legislature is the voice of the people, being it is made up of many individuals who are elected by everyone, this ensures that the executive does not overstep their power.

However, under Darshu's administration, I have not seen this. The executive branch has become a runaway circus, not answering to the will of the people. Let me give a few examples.

Government Money-Making program
(Congressional Discussion and citizen complaint after Geezus dropped the ball)

Last night, Geezus sent out a mass message to advertise a program he made up to raise funds for the government, without consulting congress. The text was the following.

I need your help to increase eJapan incomes.
You need some own money for this but you wont lose it.

All you need is buy q5 weapons from me and put it on the market for 23 (19.2 + VAT). This is not a business for us but means 3,8 JPY extra income to eJapan per q5 weapons. If you make it continously with 500-1000 q5 weapons it is 3000-4000 JPY for eJapan.

Now we have 40000 JPY daily. If we can find 20 people we can increase our incomes with 200%!
All you need is 19200 JPY own money to buy 1000 q5 weapons.
Thanks for your help!
Geezus (vMoF)

This message was extremely unclear. First and foremost, it didn't mention how one was to buy these weapons. Geezus had Q5 Tanks on the market for ¥23.00 last night. If I were a naive citizen, I would've bought those tanks and resold them for the same price, given this message. Additionally, it could've gone through review. People could be selling for ¥23.04 due to the current bot price. This should've gone through congressional review to work out the kinks, or at least, it should not have been touted as an official message from the MoF (I am not touting this article as official myself for this reason, as you should've seen above).

I am not the only one who has complaints about this program, please read here.

The Forum Change
(Congressional Discussion after Nowe dropped the ball)

Nowe additionally dropped the ball as MoI by starting a whole new forum and sending out messages to citizens to switch to it without congressional consent. His reasoning was the following.

With the assistance of Erumaron, we have brought up the national forums he created for eJapan after the previous forums had fallen, though not much interest was gained in it at the time due to the issues with eROC, so it simply disappeared as the community declined into struggle. Like on the old forums, exreality and I maintain a level of control as entrusted to us by the late Emperor Makoto, and I would personally prefer to move the forums to here.

I've always been pretty sketchy when I found out this forum was established by Squibeel, and while he did an okay job at it I personally find my trust faltering more due to the porky situation. The fact we have five Administrator/Global Moderators on this forum also bugs me, as I feel it is unneeded. We've never needed this many staff members before to run a community site, and I don't think we should bother having so many now.

Personally I also find the erepjapan forums to be aesthetically better, and it holds more functions and freedom due to being created by a proper host, and not simply a free host that has limitations. With the fact exreality may be potentially agreed upon (though he has already been established as Emperor by the new President) as Emperor, I would prefer him to continue the path as administrator of both the official IRC channel and forums, to ensure that no more power abuse comes of random individuals simply being given control at whim. Just last week the former President banned one person and suspended another simply because she did not like them.

As Minister of Interior, this would be my first move to stabilize the community into a fair environment so that we may begin further steps in building a greater eJapan.

The proposal itself is fine. Even his mistrust of Squibeel is fine (although I may disagree). However, as I stated before, he started it up and assigned administrators, along with various other tasks such as announcing it as the supposedly official forum without informing congress. This is certainly a huge move and a step that should ONLY be taken after congress has agreed to it. He did mention that he sees no issue with matter due to the manner in which nippon.freeforums.org was founded, but the old forums (nipponblog.net) were dead then. He is essentially killing a living, breathing community without consulting it and going through the proper motions. I think most of you would agree with me that he is overstepping his bounds without consulting the people (as represented by congress). The people, as represented by congress seem to be in complete disagreement to the move. (See here)

Some of you may argue that the old official channel #nippon-teikoku was recently declared unofficial and switched to #nippon without consulting congress, but this is not true. Porky has been accused of abusing his power publicly for some time. The matter of the change was mentioned publicly in congress as well, no one has yet disagreed to the motion, see here for recent discussion and here for discussion on old incidents regarding porky.

Addendum: By worthy appeal of exreality the matter of the irc channel will be brought to an official vote as well, along with this matter.

The MoS
Citizen Approval Without Accountability
(Citizenship Application Section on the Forums)

Danyeo was approved with no input other than that of the MoS and Nowe. I personally hold no opinion on Danyeo, I am not acquainted with him/her, but on the basis of what I've heard in many conversations I'm sure many people have their reservations on this matter.

Thus, in light of all of this, I ask that Darshu take the reins and seriously take control of his ministries and make them answerable to congress, aka the people. If he does not, I will not hesitate to begin a motion on the floor using the prescribed procedure (discussion and then vote) to impeach him on the grounds that he has been running a runaway and unaccountable administration. I was scared Darshu would be ineffective (see here), he has yet to prove me wrong. Please show me otherwise Mr. President. Thank you!

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