Mii is now running for President, she has my endorsement!

Day 1,656, 13:17 Published in Japan Japan by ahava3233

EDIT: Yagami M, aka Mii's own statement

I would like to take an opportunity to announce sweeping changes in the upcoming elections this month. Sumeragi Akeiko has decided to step down from candidacy for the upcoming elections, a new candidate has taken her place, I believe you all love her and know her well!

That’s right people, it’s Yagami M, aka Mii. Mii is a current member of Sakurakai Moriya Jinja and wonderful moderate/diplomat in all things political. She also a long-time veteran in this game, an active one at that; she knows what she’s doing and will be around to do it. Additionally, Mii is not one to ignore the pleas of citizenry and will do her best to hear people out and lead Japan to a fair and Shining Future!

I, ahava3233, a current active and stil impartial Sakurakai congress member, also the fairly elected speaker of congress, believe Mii/Yagami M is the best candidate for president this month. A caring and active individual who I am well acquainted with, Mii is like a mom to all of us, she has told me herself that the main reason she plays is for the benefit of the country, as if the citizens were her children, not to gain political power but for their benefit alone. She desires to see an effective Japan where the concerns and wishes of the people are fully heard, a democratic Japan, a powerful Japan, and of course, a fun Japan. If you don’t believe me, she is certainly the best candidate for the job; observing the competition, you will find.

Ernesto Jeon
: An ex-Korean that Taiwan probably holds a grudge against. Two months ago, there was a scandal against him/her as well. Taiwan wiped us and used Jeon as a scapegoat to justify the action. I hold no grudge against Jeon, but if he/she was elected, I think it would be a PR disaster, Japan would have no future. See here and here.

: Certainly a better candidate than Erenesto Jeon, but a self-professed two clicker (many people have said this, see the comments on Akki’s recent article here). Additionally, if you look at the forums, you’ll notice that Darshu has contributed very little to recent conversation, with only 5 posts as of the time of this posting, (See here). In fact, Darshu wasn’t even on the forums in the last 24 hours! (See here). I doubt his/her capability to be an effective and active president, he/she seems inactive and unless I see major and immediate changes on Darshu’s part, Darshu doesn’t have my support.

So, party presidents and citizens of Japan, I request your support in this matter. Mii is clearly the best candidate for the job in my honest opinion. I think if elected, she will bring us together and make Japan one of the most effective and democratic countries in the New World.

On a final note, I would like to mention a few things about my own party, Sakurakai. Although Sakurakai has laid relatively dormant since Kenji’s departure under Minami Saki’s care, (see here), we will soon be a fierce voice in eJapanese politics once again. I have been working closely with a returnee to eJapan, Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzimiya, or just Suzimiya, also known as the Princess of Sendai and the past head of the sucessful Desu Worker’s Party here in eJapan. Suzimiya is a visionary and has alot of great ideas for the future of Sakurakai. I endorse his/her input as Kenji’s eWife, keep an eye out for recommendations by Haruhi-chan on the forums and in in-game articles.

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