Civil War, a Zoo, NL Government and many more!

Day 1,391, 05:16 Published in Belgium Belgium by Critically

Hello eBelgians,

I decided to focus more on the journalistic module of the game then the politic module. (But I'll still be political active ofc 😉 ) Here is my first article in the series of the eBelgian Times!

Domestic News

Civil War in eBelgium

The atmosphere in eBelgium is really bad right now. A Gay-Revolution has begon on the National Forum and "shadowists" are fighting against "wardists" and vice verca.
Fhaemita, current Minister of Defence and former CP of Belgium, has been banned on the forum because he sai😛 "The Admins are gay". He got his 3rd Warning so a 1-day ban. As reaction on that he created a new national forum: .
Ward De Bever, former Party President of ULA; current Party President of the Om Party is banned too for 1 month on the national forums. He insulted too much people.
Konrad launched a very intresting debate about the "civil war" on the national forum:

Zoo in Brussels?

The Belgian Congress is currently debating about opening a zoo in eBelgium. The President, Monsieur Guillontine thinks that a zoo would be nice. The zoo would contain a lion, a monkey, dogs, mouses, a beaver and more.

No trial against shadowukcs

Shadowucks has been found innocent after Critically accused him of being a national traitor. He would have asked the former Irish President, Padraig to attack Belgium what resulted in a battle for Flanders. The Supreme Court said that there was insufficient evidence that shadowukcs really asked him to attack.

Case opened against the President and several Government members

NLSP, forum admin, asked for a Type A investigation against Monsieur Guillontine (CP), shadowukcs (MoFA), Mikhail Alexander(SSoWiki) and prophexy (SSoDefence). These people have accepted Irish people into Belgium and NLSP thinks that this was part of a PTO on Belgium. MG won with 3 votes more then Jofroi, and 3 people got accepted on an illegal base. The Supreme Court is currently debating about this issue.

Foreign News


United Kingdom is currently attacking the Irish Capital, Dublin. After Ireland almost conquered London, the UK is going to reconquer Ireland again. Will Ireland resist? We'll see!

NL government almost formed

The government in Netherlands, our northern neigbourghs, is almost formed. The Congress is currently voting on it and they seem to accept it. MaartenW won the CP elections in NL, so Congrats to him!

Cultural News

BoDi Awards

The State Secretary of Fun, Critically, organized the BoDi Awards again on the national forums. The BoDi Awards are one of the most honourable awards a person can get in eBelgium.
The nominations are ongoing so if you think you should nominate people, come on our national forums and nominate people here:

That's all folks, I hope you all liked it, and don't forget to vote and subscribe this newpaper!
