[EN] Dams Award for Congress Journalism

Day 1,290, 03:05 Published in Belgium Belgium by Ward De Bever
Bever Dams Award for Congress Journalism

For the benefit of country strength and motivation, hereby pleased to announce the Bever Dams Award for Congress Journalism. This award is a no-question-asked, not-representing-the-views-of-the-granter, occasional one-time donation of 500 BEF (indexed above 1 gold). It's meant as a reward for an in-game article that informs about Belgian Congressional and more general political activity.

The first Award was granted on Day 1284 to NicknameFromRonny for his article (meanwhile a series) presenting current Congress activity: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/mr-nfronny-goes-to-brussels--1783862/1/20 or http://bit.ly/BDACJ1

The second Award was granted on Day 1290 to Glenn Wauters for the first of what promises to be a series of views on the country president elections: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/the-road-to-presidency-interview-with-touchdown-thomas-1788129/1/20 or http://bit.ly/BDACJ2

The third Award was granted on Day 1300 to NicknameFromRonny for the ninth installment of his "Mr. NFRonny goes to Brussels" series: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/mr-nfronny-goes-to-brussels-part-9-1796821/1/20 or http://bit.ly/BDACJ3 - this edition of the Award is equally sponsored by Kylero (thanks Kylero!). Also, the amount of the award is now raised to 1000 BEF to compensate for inflation. Thanks again Kylero!

The fourth Award was granted on Day 1353 to Konrad Neumann for his comeback "Populist Bro's Putting Words in Critically's Mouth" wall of text: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/populist-bro-039-s-putting-words-in-critically-039-s-mouth-1835362/1/20 or http://bit.ly/pY08nK - despite our strong currency, the amount of the award is kept at 1000 BEF.

The fifth Award, worth 1000 BEF, was granted on Day 1391 to Critically (eBelgian Times), for his objective article in turbulent times "Civil War, a Zoo, NL Government and many more!": http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/civil-war-a-zoo-nl-government-and-many-more--1861155/1/20.

For Love and Country!