▒█Hey Michigan, I'm your man█▒

Day 489, 19:36 Published in USA Pakistan by Chisholm

Hello citizens of Michigan,

As you may know, I'm running for Congress in our great state and have already put out there my platform, found here

However, that was a little too business like, I want to let some of you Michiganders get to know me a little more personally.

I joined eRepublik in mid Novermber-ish, once I realized how fun this game was, I wanted to know how I could contribute the most, so I became very active on both the forums and the IRC, and have been ever since. Due to my high activity I quickly rose to the top in posts, both serious and lulzy, and after Franco bombed the U.S, my helpfulness led to me gaining some authority in the forums 😉

I have traveled in eWorld looking around and talking to people of many nations, while still ramaining in contact with the U.S mostly of course. I spent a good amount of time in Switzerland, before it was taken over by the Theocrats. After talking with them rationally, we realized that these people weren't actually rational (In game of course) so, nnce we realized we weren't able to take back Switzerland at that time, I decided it was time to come back home to good ol' You, Es, of Eh. Since then I have dealt extensively in the political matters that go on here. Throwing my opinion in the Congress and Military discussions I had access to, and making sure some good old Common Sense was brought to the situation.

I am a person who knows how to separate lulz from srs, and srs from lulz, and I hope I have gained enough confidence in you to get your vote on the Congressional elections on the 25th.
