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Marketplace Time, the newspaper with the weekly reviews of the market! We post every Thursday with the weekly review of the market and every Sunday with a summary and prediction for the next week.

Making a Comeback!

2 Dia 1,286, 23:58 Publicado em USA USA Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Hello everyone, My name is JmanTizzle, otherwise known as Tizzle. And I want to say, that I have come back from ym apsense and i will be here for months to come. Bringing you the news about our great country and the things that are going on within

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Coming Back!

6 Dia 993, 18:36 Publicado em USA USA

Hello, readers! I am coming back because I kinda missed this game. So tell me whats going on with this game?

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2 Dia 953, 19:49 Publicado em USA USA

This game is getting boring. So, all of my subscribers and readers, farewell. o7

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Congress Voting PMs

2 Dia 948, 18:19 Publicado em USA USA

So fellow citizens, I have gotten at least 4 PMs about the congress votes today.

So now I believe that I am semi popular for the congress voting.

If you got any more congress suggestions for me, just PM me and I'll get back ASAP.

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Chapter 1, The Beginning

3 Dia 945, 17:30 Publicado em USA USA

My life has been hell so far. 15 deaths in the family, 7 daeths myself, and
7 reserections. My only thing I want to have, is to die.

I tried everything, jumping off the Effiel Tower, drowning myself, being eaten
by a shark, and stabbing

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