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A UKPP interview of Pannonian Nomad

11 Dia 2,986, 03:19 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I have interviewed Pannonian Nomad after his return to the eUK and the UKPP so that we can all know what he's been up to and what his opinions are on the state of the eUK currently.

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Nifty? ESO? It doesn't matter.

6 Dia 2,976, 03:17 Publicado em United Kingdom United Kingdom Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I'm quite a new player and this will be my first article in an attempt to get on the current bandwagon sweeping the UK news.

Do I know what Nifty is?
Not really, some sort of MU that has a lot of powerful people in it.

Do I know

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