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Österreichisches liberales Launeblatt, welches zu diversen Standpunkten teils radikale Meinungen vertritt und diese auch, den Printmediencodex einhaltend, gut zu argumentieren weiß.

Sowohl links- und rechtsradikale politische als auch jegliche religiöse Standpunke werden jedoch nicht vertreten

Slovakia's attack - behind the curtains

22 Dia 1,267, 11:14 Publicado em Austria Austria Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

Hello my dear beloved Austria!

As you already know, Slovakia (or should I better say, Poland) attacked Upper Austria. We are trying our best to defend our homelands, but what is even funnier, is the purpose for Slovakia to attack us.
Let's take

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Friendly Congress Tax Reminder

18 Dia 1,253, 10:35 Publicado em Austria Austria Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Hai there!

To the ones who got elected into congress: You are currently thinking:

Yes, you have got 5 Gold, gratulations for that. But what to do with this money?

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Zu den Waffen, meine Brüder und Schwester!

6 Dia 1,247, 02:15 Publicado em Austria Austria Ordens de batalha Ordens de batalha

Hinaus, hinaus, mit frohem Muth!
Hinaus, in's Feld der Ehre,
Damit der Feinde Übermuth
Nicht uns'rer Brüder Hab' und Gut
Und unser Land verheere.

Soldaten! laßt uns … ler mais »

Vreath says 'Thank you'

20 Dia 1,230, 06:17 Publicado em Austria Austria

sorry for writing in English only, but real life is quite annoying at the moment

Dear citizens of our beloved Austria!

A month has passed, a turbulent and exciting … ler mais »

Serious cabinet is serious...oh wait! (Vreath for CP)

14 Dia 1,198, 00:35 Publicado em Austria Austria

my first article with my own newspaper, dont mock on me if you find mistakes 😛
Scroll runter für die deutsche Version

Another month has passe😛 Austria was not wiped!
[img][/img] … ler mais »