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Official Newspaper of the Military Unit the 'Australian Diggers'

Wine, Women and....WHAT, we got WA back?!?!?

14 Dia 1,276, 04:52 Publicado em Australia Australia Análises de guerra Análises de guerra

Lets celebrate!

Thanks to our friends, allies and Militias, we love you and salute you!!

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Calling All eAussie exPat's!!!

27 Dia 1,261, 23:26 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

We miss you here in eAsutralia

eAustralia has become a wasteland.
A land where only a handful of people are left to fight off the invaders who are constantly kicking our … ler mais »

The 'ANTs' are coming, time to work!

3 Dia 1,245, 03:55 Publicado em Australia Australia Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

We have seen here
and [url= mais »

I may need you?

7 Dia 1,240, 22:26 Publicado em Australia Australia Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros


I am in need of workers for the fields.

You interested in making some decent money and a few perks every now and then (like Q3 food or a Q3

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What happened to the lulz?

13 Dia 1,229, 18:11 Publicado em Australia Australia

I miss the days when had more lulz in the media.
I am thankful we have had some positive media informing the public of what has been taking place.
But....i just miss the lulz articles about eIndo or or eBrazil.

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