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What we are all forgetting is...

19 Dia 1,198, 10:00 Publicado em Croatia Croatia

... anyone who doesn't want to go to war is g*y.

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Reality check I had in Szeged erep meeting

53 Dia 1,196, 13:42 Publicado em Croatia Croatia

Disclaimer : This article is mainly for Hungarian and Romanian players.

Before I talk about anything else I want to thank Murlockij for being the best of the best host for our international group and we are forever indebted to him.
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Peace at home, peace all around Y

67 Dia 1,108, 09:46 Publicado em Croatia Croatia

Bogdan_L, Romanian CP's logic behind the acts :

Romania at the moment has only one active war, with Serbia. Also Ukraine is under Hungarian occupation. He planed to close one to be able to go … ler mais »

Greetings my Royal subjects

121 Dia 1,079, 10:40 Publicado em Russia Russia

Greetings my Royal subjects,
this is the speech of Tsar alpho, soon to known in the Book of history as the Liberator,

I am young and the blood is boiling in my veins


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For the Greater Good of EDEN

71 Dia 1,036, 10:42 Publicado em Romania Romania

"Always look on the bright side of life"

Dear EDEN citizens ,

From time to time a leader has to make sacrifices for the good of the … ler mais »