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When a civilization burns and no one wants to put out the fires, time to make smores and pop some corn!

I think I get this game now!

2 Dia 1,854, 09:16 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I figured it out!

We really have all forgotten about subsection 6.3 of codicil 9 regarding statute 478B. That was when Binda barfed, and Indonesia burped and TJ shed one and only one tear. But I talked to all my friends in other countries and

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Why the Flames are Only Getting Higher

16 Dia 1,854, 07:32 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I like the flurry of posting in the forum about political and bureaucratic issues. It's awesome. Insightful. Helpful in its own way.

I loved the new online radio program even though I can't participate because of the time. No one would want

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Bring your Marshmallows - this is a GAME!

0 Dia 1,853, 10:31 Publicado em Australia Australia Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

I'm making a noob start. I tried to update the picture on my newspaper, but like most things in eRep, that didn't work. So here is what I'm wearing these days:


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Too Much Like Real Life

17 Dia 1,852, 07:48 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

I'll let you in on a little secret. Although it's not a secret and should be obvious really.

Part of my strategy is to play up my noob status so that I can learn what is going on in this game. And oh boy what I've learned. Asking the basic

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Asking our Government - Politely and Not So Politely

17 Dia 1,851, 08:43 Publicado em Australia Australia Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

As I see it there are 5 areas where we need a plan for eAUS. Right now we're operating like a lawless backwater where everyone does his/her own thing.

It is the responsibility of a government to coordinate the effort of its people for maximum

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