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Paranoja na rynku?

24 Dia 2,476, 03:28 Publicado em Poland Poland Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

edit: nie piszę tego arta dla misji (te już mam skończone), więc jeśli możesz daj VOTE na ten artykuł. Niech młodzi dowiedzą się co nieco.

Niech mi ktoś wytłumaczy sens tego co widzę na rynkach broni.

Koszt Q1 Tank: 0.03 ccler mais »

Free tank Q7 (CLOSED)

34 Dia 2,475, 02:19 Publicado em Poland Poland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

It's time to give away another gifts.

First 25 comments get 1 Q7 tank, but if you want to get extra Q7 food please read this article:


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Free food Q7 (CLOSED)

32 Dia 2,475, 01:15 Publicado em Poland Poland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

It's time to give away another gifts.

First 25 comments get 1 Q7 food, but if you want to get extra Q7 tank please read this article:


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Do you like tanks? No problem! (CLOSED)

62 Dia 2,471, 07:10 Publicado em Poland Poland Entretenimento e interacções sociais Entretenimento e interacções sociais

========= THANK YOU! STOP 🙂 I GOT 25 comments! =====

Tournament has started.

It's good time to help people get better statistics.
First 35 comments with subscribe number get 2 Q7.

As I see - for people

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Kto jest narodowym bohaterem?

54 Dia 1,017, 09:48 Publicado em Poland Poland

Dzisiaj, tego pięknego dnia postanowiłem opowiedzieć społeczeństwu o pewnym człowieku. Przyglądałem mu się już od dawna. Patrzyłem uważnie na jego każdy krok w jego eŻyciu, na każ … ler mais »