Fundo lig/desl


21 Dia 1,206, 14:44 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

Assalamuallaikum Wr. Wb.

Melalui artikel ini, secara resmi saya mengajukan diri sebagai calon ketua umum PReI periode Maret-April 2011

Berikut ini struktur kepengurusan yang akan saya bentuk

Divisi kaderisasi
Divisi keuangan

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Hawaii ? YES WE WILL

11 Dia 1,196, 10:05 Publicado em Indonesia Indonesia

welcome to my premiere newspaper, hope you all enjoy it 🙂
v+c+s if you like it, don't if you think it sucks 😛

In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods.
They ruled their universe with absolute power.
Well that

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