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The cryptographic representation of an elife, in written word, from a complex mind. Formerly known as Sex-Bob-omb, Gougai (号外/Extra) and Xtra by ahava3233.

[EXTRA] November 2013 CP Elections: The Multi Report

16 Dia 2,178, 00:05 Publicado em Japan Japan Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Taken at roughly 23:59:55 ERT.

This is also notice that as MoF, I'm going to go ahead and move all the org funds now to the treasury before the next CP takes office to prevent a dispute (as was

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[EXTRA] So long CoT!

19 Dia 2,176, 12:39 Publicado em Japan Japan Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hiya Japan it's ahava3233 reporting to you once again. In any event, I wanted to discuss a matter that has just been brought to the attention of the entire New World.


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[EXTRA/SSG/Elections] Candidacy Article #2: The Dark Knight Rises

21 Dia 2,175, 00:06 Publicado em Japan Japan Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Hi all, I'm here to present you with another exciting candidacy article to further explain the intent of my candidacy (giving it a nice theme) and to give you more of a clearer insight into my agenda. … ler mais »

[EXTRA/SSG/Elections] Shinsengumi's Ambition

31 Dia 2,172, 22:03 Publicado em Japan Japan Análise e debates políticos Análise e debates políticos

Japan, I've got quite an article for you tonight. I apologize if it's a long read, but please note, it is my intention to be as honest to … ler mais »

[EXTRA] Regarding RoC and Paywalls

15 Dia 2,170, 20:26 Publicado em Japan Japan Negócios financeiros Negócios financeiros

Japan, it's ahava3233 reporting to you, currently from Bon Temps, Louisiana for allied and CoT business. So anyway, I wanted to discuss a point brought up from [url=http://www.erepublik.

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