War Never Changes.

Day 2,789, 14:20 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

Sometimes I feel chatty and today I've thrown my opinion again on the internet, to be ignored by the mighty and scoffed by the petty. But as I said, I've paid the money, so I'm going to post an article.

I'm currently sitting in a bus station in northern Argentina, and me writing an article may or may not be due to the fact that I just can't possible fathom reading another word of John Grisham today. That may have something to do with the fact that I've had three cups of coffee since 12pm today, and I'm not planning on stopping anytime soon. Hitchiking is nasty on your sleep, and I've decided to continue onwards by bus to get somewhere, and also get some sleep.

Anywho, the articles are coming out, and it seems that the general consensus amongst the players who've shoveled real life money into the express-train-towards-disaster that is eRepublik is that they're tired of footing the bill. Hell, I can't even imagine putting my credit card number in the database, let alone pay for the ongoing wars of an entire nation for us bunch of ungrateful losers. I don't blame any of them.

We're going to have to pay for our own fun! How cool is that??

The problem now, as many have guessed, is that we have a congress that generally doesn't want to do that. The law has already been rejected once, and the numbers aren't looking too too good for the second installation of the bill.

I am of the opinion that the tax should be upped to 10% during wartime as a default (don't scoff just yet, I know the idea has already been brought forward). War takes money, we all know that. In the interest of fun, some big players have been generous enough to hand over their hard-earned currency to make sure that nobody else had to pay the costs. Those days are over. I'm not sad to see them go. I'm not annoyed that the bigwigs decided to take the costs, but it was never going to last. Eventually, they'd get tired of it.

You know what? Hell, take my money, I haven't got much, and I'll be the first to admit it, but take a little more from me if it means that the costs are more evenly distributed. If you haven't noticed, VAT and import taxes are being lowered to minimum, so if you really want to make more money, play the world market a bit and export to a country with higher costs of living, play the gold market or even buy and sell goods. I swear it makes the game more interesting if you're into the economic model of things.

For now, I'll take higher taxes if it means more war. But I damn well want to see them back down when the war's over.