Updates both Foreign and Domestic

Day 1,237, 10:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Mr Woldy

Updates both Foreign and Domestic.

Our Foreign policy has been the subject for discussion not only on our own forums, but apparently abroad too.

Through its time in Phoenix, the UK established many good relationships with a plethora of countries around the globe. A lot of these relationships are still valued and maintained. Which is perfectly fair, appropriate and understandable.

After following the general census of both congress and the public, and after having a cabinet meeting with the MoD and MoFA, we came to several conclusions over our foreign policy and what our goals should be over the following month and beyond.

Firstly, we shall continue to maintain good relationships with those who we consider our greatest allies. This stretches beyond France and Germany, with whom we signed the Strasbourg treaty, and with whom we are great friends - but also includes several nations outside of Terra.

To reflect this, the executive with of course the approval of congress shall consider our Foreign Affairs paramount when deciding on the signing and renewal of MPP’s. For example, we aim to maintain a Serbian MPP, not only for the UK’s protection but also to maintain the good relationship between our nations. This may seem odd to Terra, but it is almost irresponsible to throw away our own good relationships with foreign nations when it isn’t in our interests to do so.

Secondly, we would like to address EDEN’s intervention in our Foreign Affairs. Recently two regions that the previous administration had agreed to rent were RW’d. This happened without the consultation of a member of the eUK’s government and held the potential to destabilise relationships that we have spent the best part of a year building upon. Although it isn’t detrimental to the UK, besides the fees we were due to collect we would much prefer it if people ran their devious plans by us before they fiddled with our arrangements.

Finally, there is the matter of continued Irish aggression towards the eUK, during our training war with Canada, our conflict with Belgium and even as I type this in the RW started by eCanada in order to return Northern Ireland to the UK (where it belongs herpderp). I acknowledge that the problem is apparently the Irish Citizens Army, a rogue militia. However, if it is representative of the Irish people, which according to it’s name and it’s damage output (and it’s members) it is then the aggression shouldn’t go unchecked. Especially in the face of the concerted efforts of EDEN and Terra to ‘cooperate’. Talks will be had with the Irish administration over what, if anything, can be done with these pesky paddies.

Mfw: Irish tank loads in superfluous regions

On the Domestic front we are about to launch into [Your Name Here] Week. As well as Monarch week, which shall take place in the final week of this term, we are holding [Your Name Here] Week celebrating an eUK'er in the same way we celebrate the royal ruddy family.

The twist is, it's one of you guys, it can be someone as low or high as you like, as random or unknown as you like or as crazy and trolltastic as you like. The nominations thread is upon until Monday afternoon, and can be found here.

Informative PM’s and regular article will be released this month, as well as announcements and -if all goes to plan- a podcast, so keep your peepers open for that. In other news, the government is going to start funding a few programs under TBS (the big society act). News on that shall be posted in the forums.

As always it is imperative that we do the spot checks, so click on your little green subscriptions button and make sure you are subscribed to the following papers:

Firstly, The MoD News. - This will tell you were to fight and is absolutely essential in the eUK’s ability to direct it’s damage. If you aren’t subscribed to this, you bloomin’ well should be!

Secondly, eUK Home Office News plays host to the UK Today, our domestic orders and one stop shop for all news on games, prizes, quizzes, important news and information.

But it’s not all serious business. Off the record here, have a paper or two that I am subscribed to that I think can bring interesting information or a bit of dun to eRep.

ABCNewspaper regularly publishes battle stats, so you can see who ranks where in the world of damage dealing.

On a lighter note, the eUK’s favourite congressmen, Oric, publishes a wide range of cutting edge Satire in his Journal and Llort Zakharov, as well as being a good Supreme Commander player also rambles a lot.

All of these are well worth subscribing too. That and of course, this newspaper.

Thanks for reading.

(Too Sexy for you)

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