Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it

Day 1,561, 06:15 Published in Canada Bulgaria by egad

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” George Santayana

I guess many of you have heard this quote or at least some of its variations. It seems that the Turkish government has missed this lesson.
The day is the 24-th of October 2011 and the world map looks like that:

Turkey is still a pro-One country and holds almost all Ukrainian regions, a Russian region, all Israeli regions, parts of Egypt and Saudi Arabia. The total of 9 resources (they miss only rubber). At that moment Turkey had a NAP with Bulgaria, Greece was wiped by FYROM and as it looked nothing could disturb them. On the other side Bulgaria had NAP with Serbia too and had only their hoem soil 4 resources. The Bulgarian president those day was Stenlito. The Bulgarian government has decided that they can’t continue to follow EDEN’s orders and to fight against ONE’s mightiest countries just for some damage drain and as a result Bulgaria has been wiped several times by Turkey and Serbia. Bulgaria needed a new way in order to progress and this way was well known – new resources. They started negotiating with Turkey to start a training war in which Turkey would lose some useless core Ukrainian regions and in return Bulgaria would pay a rent to Turkey. The Turkish government declined the offer. As both countries had NAP Bulgaria hadn’t got a choice but to start RW all over Turkey’s holdings. Just a week later the Bulgarian army has succeeded to liberate Ukraine, Russia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Israel and Turkey was left with only 4 resources.

Nowadays. Bulgaria is still an EDEN’s member but now Turkey has changed their alliance and is trying to become an EDEN country too. They have the confidence of 9 resources and they still miss that rubber region. Ukraine forgot what Bulgaria did for them and signed a pact with Turkey. They also asked Bulgaria to give them back all regions they have rented for all those months and that’s how Bulgaria lost their saltpeter and fish resources. The Bulgarian government saw a possibility to have those new resources in the useless for Turkey Iranian holdings but the Turkish government refused this scenario. Two days ago the Bulgarian CP proposed a one-month long MPP with Turkey or 300 gold, in exchange for a pass through their Iranian holdings. The offer was once again denied. Do that sound familiar to you?

Well when we can’t have a peaceful solution we can have a war solution. A RW was started in Turkey’s holdings and the main target was the RW in Iran which was successful. Will this be the end of another period of Turkish dominance the time would tell. But when you cannot remember the past then you are condemned to repeat it.

And because I don’t think anyone in Canada noticed the top news of the last day I’ll post here a link to the official statement of the Indonesian president regarding their leaving of ONE alliance. In the same time Slovenia has something to say to their Hungarian allies. Will all this lead to new alliances in the game? Who knows, I don’t.