This is the title of my article

Day 2,382, 03:53 Published in Canada France by Dopes

First some mood music:

Entertaining AND educational.

While sadly all the whores ran as soon as they saw me coming the bottle has no legs so it was mine. ALL MINE!

I accidentally flushed the toilet while my step-dad was showering just a few minutes ago. I feel bad yet want to laugh. I'm a complicated man. (Yes I live with my parents. No it's not a lifelong situation. Yes I hope to be out ASAP.)

Well lads and lasses on to more relevant if not sadly a bit behind the times topics.

Well we finally have a congress. I'm taking bets on how long they can play nice before the inevitable infighting starts. I'm serious. It's politics. Bound to happen.

So apparently we aren't fighting the eUS anymore. That's good I think. Although to be honest I am a bit disappointed. You see I was debating making some old school propaganda posters for the war. Oh well I was lazy and missed the boat on that one. Next war with whoever invades us next I suppose. I mean we all know there will be one. The only question is who? I'm guessing Cuba.

Cubans practicing the invasion of Canada. I swear!

In other news my party the Imperial Wolves is still awesome. You should totally join us. We're working on increasing activity both within our party and elsewhere. We love you guys and Canda so much it hurts!

In my humble opinion the eCan forums could use some help. Not that I've been particularly active myself. Hey I'm not perfect and I've been busy! ;_; Seriously though if you're reading this you obviously have a few minutes to kill. Go to the forums here. Maybe you'll see me. Maybe I'll see you. If I remember to show up. Like I said I'm not perfect.

I'm finding myself oddly without much else to say. Usually when I drink I won't shut up. Oh well must be your lucky day!

Later daze better blaze

Editors note: Drunk and on Drugs in no way encourages illegal activities. I just realized how ridiculous that sounds. Why do I work here?