They attack by night !

Day 555, 10:22 Published in Portugal Portugal by Ataulfo

There is no judicial system within Erepublik.
The game, and the creation of fake accounts is something of a plague.

Users, seem to have understood that one of the ways to be successful is to cheat, and therefore, once the creation of such accounts is free, cheating can be done in different levels.

Even yesterday, in a plain text posted by some user, a curious declaration from one «Frank Castle» somewhere outside Erepublik, claimed with a little bit of humour, that a user really did not know how to create fakes.

Frank Castle of course, had already been permanently banned.
But although permanently banned by the administration of Erepublik, continued (as if nothing happened) in the game as user Julio de Matos.

Of course Julio de Matos was created on July the 17th 2008 (day 240)
Frank Castle was created on August 30th 2008 (day 284). Frank Castle was a fake.
When user Frank Castle was created, user Julio de Matos was already around.

Frank Castle, was one, if not the most vocal supporters of user Judazs, and the theft of the state companies. Such declaration can still be seen here:

Is really Frank Castle important ?

That is of course the question you can place, and the answer is that really he is not that important.

The problem is that this is one of the usuals in the group of people that run the country from the beginning, and therefore his behaviour is to be considered.

This user has created fake accounts, and for that reason he was banned (it seems that not all fakes are created equal).

Frank Castle, continued using his name in all the other forums, with no problems, and of course, he was appointed to the team of helpers of the government.

Can we prove Frank Castle or any of his fake accounts influenced electoral results ?

This is the main issue, because it is obvious that we can't prove that he did that.

What we can do, is to ad two plus two, and consider:

- The same group / circle of users is in control of Erepublik Portugal since the beginning.

- Elections are basically won by the same group of people.

- Electoral results are usually influenced by quantities of late night votes, that usually are issued when the whole country is asleep.

So what's the point ?

The point is, that being true, that no clear evidence of massive FRAUD exists, it is nevertheless also true, that the circumstantial evidences, point to that possibility.

Therefore, there are reasons, why we should question the administration of Erepublik, and the group of persons that control the country. Those that knew Frank Castle, must be investigated. If one single faker was related to government, who can guarantee there are no more ?

When someone that has committed a crime, is absolutely certain that all evidence has been destroyed, that person will always be the first to claim innocence, to demand proof (which of course was destroyed) and to harass and coerce those in doubt, with the menace of judicial action against false allegations.

This happens in the real Portugal, and eminent judicial and constitutional experts have claimed that the demand for proof, when in the presence of circumstantial allegation, is an illegitimate form of pressure and coercion.

Therefore, user Arthk and others, are not directly related to any wrong doing, but strangely have acted with the objective of stopping an eventual investigation, in a process of Cyber Bullying, trying to ban people that oppose their ways, when, as it is my case, I am not even interested in any gain to myself.

My objective, from the beginning is one of pursuing truth and justice, because only with truth and justice, can one live in a Democracy.

= = = = =
This was my last writting in Erepublik in Portugal, until recent cases are explained and justified.

And above all, thank you to all the players that believe in a world where criminals go to jail instead of being honoured.

We are a nation of decent people. And as with all decent people, there comes a time we get fed up.