Open Rectum, Remove Head

Day 2,792, 14:36 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

In recent news,
- DMV slings poop at Congress.
- Congress votes down work tax law.
- CPF under threat from another PTO attempt.

Nothing ever changes in the wonderous news phenomenon that is eCanada.

Well, I just wanted to possibly throw my marshmellow on the fire here, and join in on the discussion.

Now, i've been thinking; Congress has turned down the work tax law for the third time this term. The simple fact of the matter is that Canadians need to pay for the wars that they have so longed for, and that can't be done out of the pockets of the dinosaurs forever. Eventually, as individuals, they do get tired of providing the fun for the rest of us ungrateful twerps at the cost of their real life money. I think that that's relatively understandable. The fact that congress has turned it down multiple times can show several things. Lets have a look at the margins:

1st installment of work tax bill - 15 (40😵 no, 10 (60😵 yes.
2nd installment of work tax bill - 15 (48😵 no, 13 (52😵 yes.
3rd installment of work tax bill - 14 (50😵 no, 14 (50😵 yes.

Personally, I hope to whatever etherial being inhabits the heavenly plain that Congress is not a chicken with its head cut off, but one can only hope. If we assume that the opposition to the bill is manufactured, either by an individual or by partisanship, then there are only a couple ways that that could work out, never mind the reasons for now. Lets look at Congress numbers.

In congress, the division is as such:

CPF - 10 seats (37😵
PFC - 9 seats (22😵
MPD - 6 seats (15😵
IP - 5 seats (13😵
BAL - 5 seats (13😵

Now, with these numbers, assuming that the opposition for the work tax bill is manufactured and partisan, the division could work with these coalitions:

CPF & IP or BAL = 53%
PFC, MDP & IP or BAL = 50%
CPF & MDP = 52%

Now, if we also assume that the CPF backs DMV unanimously (although many may have doubts to this statement), that leaves only four other culprits to the opposition. Now, let's also assume that because of Eric Boucher's recent impeachment law, that the PFC does not have confidence in the current government. Now consider that the law failed 10 to 17 (37% to 63😵. It is although, improbable that the entire PFC turned out to vote for DMV's impeachment, given that 8 people didn't turn out for the bill at all, but we may be able to assume from this logic that a considerable amount of DMV's opposition comes from the PFC, and that is supplemented by a fair few from other parties. The fact that the last installment of the work tax bill failed because the vote stood at 50% means that either party presidents/party whips are whipping the party back into submission on account of DMV's executive order, or that Congress, is in fact a massive headless chicken.

The fact that Eric Boucher was the person to propose the tax increase law has proven to me at least that Congress is a chicken with its head cut off.

Whoo! That was fun wasn't it?

On a much lighter note, you can escape the (hopefully absent) idiocy by joining me in the party!

We'll be Lenin you in, so quit Stalin your transition!