Media Mogul Medal - Self Help Ireland

Day 1,608, 03:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by Death and Taxes


It's impossible to get the MMm award based on subscribers from Ireland alone because our population is teeny-weeny. This award has a clear bias towards larger countries, so as usual, we are going to have to punch above our weight to get things going.

As an aside, can I advise any new or newish eIreland members not to create a newspaper, and thereby spend 2 gold, before you achieve a Q4 health building. If you feel that the need to broadcast your views or promote your political campaigns is more important than what I believe is base camp for self-sufficiency in this game, then I'm fine with that.

Anyway, we're going to a little experiment here to help us all get closer to the MMm (especially me, because let's face it, you can be smart and honest).

Please subscribe and vote for this newspaper on the icons above, then click on the links that will appear at the bottom of this article. Once you've cycled through the links and subscribed to all the newspapers, please respond to this article and give a direct link to your own newspaper. I'll then put that link below so anyone coming after you will end of subscribing to your newspaper also.

At worst, I'll promise to sub your newspaper if I haven't already done so, at best, unless the thing gets unmanageable, you might be getting another 100 subs. I'm sure there's a smarter way of doing this, so I'm open to any approach, if we can come up with a template we might go global and target other countries.

I'll pop in on a regular basis to update this, so be patient if your newspaper has yet to appear. There's an easy way to do this and that's detailed here: Fast subscribing in English

Please subscribe to the newspapers linked below:


SUBS 1-5 (don't forget me at the top!)

SUBS 6-10

SUBS 11-15