May 5th - Kick Rolo Out, Open Government, Revamp the Army, Stronger Alliances

Day 1,613, 12:04 Published in Canada Canada by AugustusV

-Special Edition-

May 5th - Kick Rolo out, Revamp the Army, Open Government, Closer Alliances

I seems I'm going to try my hand again at running for President in eCanada on May 5th. I know I'v written long articles in the past, and I see that other present and past candidates have decided to write articles worthy of a journalistic award more than anything else.

eCanadians don't care about fancy platform articles, they care about two things:

1. Popularity
2. Action

I don't know how much I can deliver on the popularity part - I'm not the ancient hero of some political movement or a "well-known trusted figure", because I've kept a low figure over the past months, but what I do offer is action, and maybe popularity will come after? The problem I've seen with people like Kronos_Q and Trent, is that although Kronos for example is an excellent community member and wrote long articles and was very "popular" among eCanadians, he failed in the "action" part. I respect Kronos as a player but I disprove of his politics. With Trent, he just won the popularity contest in EPIC because there was nobody else and I really can't say he did anything but utterly fail this month, first with tremendous blunders, then by disappearing from the media out of cowardly embarrassment. Shameful.

To me, great presidents were those like Acacia Mason in his FIRST term (not the recent one), and Addy Lawrence during his amazing 4 terms. I know Addy AND Acacia have become a bit of a pariah, but I really enjoyed their style and ambition when it came to policy; I plan to do the same.

As President of eCanada I plan to:

Kick Rolo Out

1. I run on an anti-Rolo ticket as I always have for months now. With me in power there would be both an open referendum on whether to ban Rolo from eCan society and label him a terrorist, and if the referendum is successful, I plan to use co-ordinated military action against Rolo's parties, friends, and political ambitions, essentially using the non-partisan army and MU members to VOTE Rolo and his minions out of power. The whole process will be open and transparent, and everything must be agreed to first by the populace, BUT, unlike other CPs, I take a firm stance on this; I don't tolerate Rolo.

Open Government

2. I would open up government for all, include an idea-forum that would allow non-politicians to apply their ideas and have it actually done, I would open up the social aspect and introduces games, competitions, things such as the Writer's Guild of Canada, etc. and help make everything more enjoyable. Essentially I want everyone to have a say in how government is run, thus helping both motivate people to take action while also giving them the satisfaction that their ideas actually matter. Too much creativity is lost to the egos of self-richeous politicians who care only about their platforms. I AM guilty of thinking like this in the past, but then again that was the norm, and I do believe it's time to change that.

Revamp the Army

3. I'd switch to a full military budget and continue on in my plan of sustainable warfare, meaning we only take provinces we can realistic hold for region bonus.

Stronger Alliances

4. I'd get closer with our allies while pushing for a leadership role within the alliance. Over my 3 years in eRepublik I've noticed that alliance solidarity is the key to victory, even if you're outnumbered. Moreover we have the brains and the people here that can also help LEAD our alliance.

That's it. I want to get a lot done, and although I may not have written a lot, I believe that that's a hell lot of action on both the Social, Economic, Political, and International Affairs agenda for a month if you look at the wider implications of what I'm suggesting, it would be more than any CP has done since Addy Lawrence. I'll follow up soon with more details.

I'll write more articles on each individual position later as well as other sub topics such as finances, however I wanted a shorter article on just a summary of my main positions. I hope you enjoyed it, and maybe for the first time in eCanadian history, eCanadians won't go with the obvious choice of picking Sperry as their CP, maybe they'll dare to think differently? Or do we still need Rolo for that?

P.S. I do wish Sperry all the best though (even though he has a clear advantage) and I am looking forward to the competition! 😃
