Libs Manufacture a Political Controversy

Day 1,126, 22:25 Published in USA China by Alexander Hamilton

This election seems to have taken an ugly turn. PigInZen our vice-president has released an article slamming the USWP, Federalist Party, and UIP over the organization of blocker for this months congressional election. The issue at hand is that Claire Littleton has been appointed as chair of the FEC which has been tasked in the past with keeping tabs on party’s blocker candidates, the FEC Chair is supposed to be neutral. Claire Littleton however is a prominent member of the Libertarian party, a stark departure from the more reserved and well respected Rod Damon (who preceded her). There have been questions swirling about her ability to remain impartial and concerns over Lib snipers. While nobody is questioning the ability of the USWP and Federalist Party’s ability to place enough blockers; politicians like PigInZen seem to be making political hay over the party’s protests with the FEC’s impartiality.

PigInZen’s article contains very incendiary language, basically calling the USWP, Feds, and UIP un-patriotic for their refusal to turn over their congressional lists to Ms. Littleton. While I hesitate to speculate on his motives, there seems to be a political subtext that praises the Libs at the expense of Parties that have long been net suppliers of blockers for the FEC. I think that PigInZen and his fellow Libs are manufacturing a controversy or at least blowing the situation out of proportion.

It seems that in the absence of the Revolution/Counter-Revolution theme the Libertarians have resorted to underhanded political theater to move votes. I think this may be a bit much but I fear that the political bickering that is ensuing over the demands of the Libertarian FEC Chair for lists of blockers and congressional candidates is poisoning the historically non-partisan nature of the eUS Congress. I hope that this situation does not jeopardize our security and I don’t think we should be playing politics with the FEC. I mean what are we the eUK?

Respectfully submitted,