Liberty! Justice! And a Hard Boiled Egg!

Day 2,788, 08:07 Published in Canada Canada by Hotelier

RIP Terry Pratchett

Happy Argentine Independance day!

Anybody in Tucuman? If so I'll see you in the main square tonight. I'll be the idiot trying to kiss Kirchner.

I logged in after a while of inactivity, brought upon by the fact that internet is not so much a rarity, but just plain horrible. Seriously, how is it do South American players manage to log on every day? Just working takes five minutes, I actually break a sweat when I press the button now.

The lineup of people willing to complain is just as long as the lineup at the DMV. I guess though that there would be no point to adding my voice to the mix, but screw off. I have a newspaper, and I damn well paid some gold for it so I'll post something.

With this article I'd like to announce two things.

Firstly, I'm throwing my hat in the race for PPship of the Clans. I've seen Rylde's push to bring his whorehouse of a party to the top 5 in time for congress elections, and though I lack a certain flair I want to try and do the same. On that same token, join the party!

This party is a breeding ground for inactivity and lax behaviour. I can promise a few things at least with my presidency, there won't be any contests*, there won't be any liberty-and-justice articles** and there damn well will be some good puns***.

*Because I can't afford them.
**Because I've been to hell and back and the Devil doesn't care.
***Because DMV's tax-ing articles are a pun-ishment in themselves.

Secondly, I'm getting really tired of the 25-comments-on-three-articles mission on my profile so I'm setting a personal goal of getting rid of the damn thing by the end of the month.

I knew the goal-setting workshop at school would pay off sometime.

In short:
-Join the party
-Gimme a comment
-Give me money