Join the ADTP Today!

Day 1,051, 14:11 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

I am also running for ADTP PP! Please vote for me HobbitTon in the ADTP PP Primary on the October 11th. I am running against Darrel Anderson 2. Here is my platform! Thank you.

Change. That's the name of the game. The New World is constantly changing, evolving rapidly on a daily basis. If political parties do not quickly adapt to these sudden changes, the consequences would be sublime. One particular political party of the United States, the American Defense and Trade Party, has been pretty dormant for the last couple months, but the call for change has awaken the beast from its long slumber. That's right, we are back, and there has never been a better time to join.

To fully comprehend what we are as ADTP members, you must understand what the core fundamentals for the party. When it all comes back to square one, we feel strongly about supporting our military and militias. This includes trying to get higher spending for our military through Congress. The military fights valiantly for the United States, and so giving them the best supplies would be the least thing we could do. That is why we have several military die-hards in here: Nuriessa, Jameson L. Tai, and George Armstrong Custer.

On the other hand, the second core fundamental behind fueling the ADTP is our views on the economy. We believe that our domestic companies should have more advantage than their foreign competitors through free trade. We believe in having a good, strong, independent market back home. Through these views, we have attracted several economic experts, such as Devoid.

Without further ado, here are the Top 4 reasons why you should join the ADTP today!

Getting Involved

A lot of citizens are worried about if they can easily get involved in political parties. In some Top 5 Parties, it is difficult to get yourself started out just due to the sheer horde of people. The American Defense and Trade Party is unique. Although we are a Top 5 Party, we are the smallest in terms of member population. Because of this, getting involved would be a cinch.

Furthermore, many of our remaining active members are leaving the prominent and beautiful United States in order to help out the emerging country of the Kiwis, New Zealand. As a result, they are leaving a large gap in this party. We need enthusiastic and energetic citizens to fill those gaps on push the American Defense and Trade Party forward.

"I couldn't join the USWP because they said I had to be a zombie to help. I couldn't join the Feds because they said I had to wear an itchy wig to help out. I joined the ADTP because I could just be myself and do the best I can," said Insig Nificant.

I Don't Make Friends Well

If you're like the fifty percent of citizens here that can't make friends or have some attention disorder that makes it harder to get friends, don't worry. You're in great company. The American Defense and Trade Party is a very cozy place. Sure, we take matters seriously in the ADTP, but at the same time, we also love to have fun. Since we are a close-knit community, if someone is giving you a problem, they're giving us a problem.

"I fgt had no friends, and I don't say nice words to people. I can't control fgt it. My fgt mother told me I had a severe fgt mental condition, but I joined the ADTP, it all fgt changed," said Emily Rose.

Help Rebuild a Party

Like I said, the ADTP has been dormant for the last couple months, but now, we have started to pick up the pace a little bit. Wouldn't it be cool to help the ADTP rise high again? What's holding you back?

"Like gosh, like, I can't believe I like helped this party out. It's so amazing that I like see all the work like put into this," said Helen Montana.

We Have Cookies

The USWP has brains. The Feds have crumpets. The UIP has rainbow marshmellows. SEES has sand. The ADTP has the most delicious food out there: cookies. We have cookies of all assortments of flavors, colors, and sizes. You might like our chocolate chip cookies, or maybe our raisin-bran cookies. Join now, and get a free order of ramen cookies! Unfortunately, we do not solicit troll cookies.

"Nom, nom, nom!" exclaimed Monster Cookie.