HobbitTon Can Into ADTP PP?

Day 1,050, 16:04 Published in USA United Kingdom by HobbitTon

While the Top 5 Parties of the United States have great strength and reputation throughout the New World, there is obviously one that has been progressing much more sluggishly that the others: the American Defense and Trade Party. For the most part, it seems that the ADTP has been moving backwards in these couple of months while the others have been going forward full speed ahead. Many citizens don't even consider the ADTP, known for its mergers, to be a Top 5 Party.

With that being spread, my story with the ADTP has just sprouted. My foreign friend, Ibnroshed2, moved from the prominent Federalist Party to the struggling American Defense and Trade Party in order to help it get on its feet again. The main problem with the ADTP was that it was running out of its most valuable resource: time. Most of the remaining active members of the ADTP will be leaving for New Zealand very shortly.

Because the Federalist Party was under control, I followed my friend into the lurking bowels of the ADTP. From the outside, the ADTP might seems lazy, but on the inside, there is a small but dedicated community. They are welcoming, and they immediately welcomed me into their party. For anyone looking for a small, unique Top 5 Party, I would suggest you join the ADTP!

My first reaction with the ADTP was that there were a few devoted members with a terrible lack of direction. They are better than that, and they know it. With some proper guidance, they can go even farther than their current position. Furthermore, their future is bleak. If it keeps going as it has been for a long time, the ADTP will be gone before the end of the month. That is why with this article, I am announcing my candidacy for the American Defense and Trade Party Party President.

I never thought I would run for Party President, especially this early in my eLife. Gosh, I have only been alive for over three months, but times are tough; I honestly feel that I am the best person for this position. Sure, I haven't even been the ADTP for a week, but in that short period of time, I have already recruited several new members, possible merge with the SPQR, and liven their new forums.

As of my primary, I only have one legitimate candidate blocking my way: Darrel Anderson 2. Does anyone else smell the nostalgia in the air? He is the good lad who I slaughtered in my first Congressional run in my home state, New Hampshire. Heck, I even wrote a short little article exposing his dangerous flaws.

For those who don't know, Darrel Anderson 2 is a former Republican Party member. Just recently, the ADTP merged with the ailing Republican Party. Am I the underdog here? Of course, and that's okay. Is Darrel Anderson 2 ready to be a Party President of such a highly unstable party in need of help. Absolutely not.

But I cannot do this whole thing on my own. For my Vice Party President, I have to appoint someone I could trust and have good understanding with. I happily chose Ibnroshed2 as my Vice Party President pick. While in the Federalist Party, he did good work that pushed the party forward. With that in mind, I have no doubt that Ibnroshed2 would do an amazing job.

And now with that off my shoulders, I bring you the the actual platform:

Player Recruitment

Help! I don't even know this guy.

The biggest problem plaguing the American Defense and Trade Party is the lack of active members. To put this into perspective, we are looking forward to acquiring the SPQR in a absorption sort of speak. The SPQR is a tiny, tiny party with around five active members. The ADTP, which is a Top 5 Party I remind you, has about two times the number of active members as the SPQR.

Active members lead to active participation which leads to getting things done. The problem is, most citizens don't jump parties often, so their first party is usually their only party. As a result, if we don't get the citizens quickly, it might be too late for us. The target group we need to hit is newer players. The problem with newer citizens is that they are unstable. They can either be awesome or really, really bad.

I know most people don't like to mass mail, and I feel your pain; The cold hard truth is that mass mailing is necessary in order to attract more members. When it comes to newbies, it's a first strike equals pwning win equation. That is why if I am elected Party President, I will enforce a full-scale mass mailing effort. In this effort, we will devote much of our time reaching out to newer citizens in hopes they will live their eLife out with the American Defense and Trade Party.

Only Two Members in Congress?

You heard right. We have almost landed a gooseegg during this Congressional Mandate. For the 34th Mandate, we landed two American Defense and Trade Party candidates into Congress. Just two. That's even lower than last month's turnout, which was five members. We are a Top 5 Party, so how can we keep getting such low turnout. If this pattern continues, heck, we might actually see a big fat zero.

The solution to this problem is early awareness. If we can get more people to be aware that Congressional elections are coming up, there would be a better chance of them making it. This goes with blockers, too. Too many times, we have not had enough blockers to fortify ourselves how the other parties did. Doesn't that just make us look bad?

There is also a maturity and seriousness issue with our potential candidates. I'm looking forward to implementing a Platform Review Team to look over potential candidates' platforms. The PRT would look over these platforms while adding suggestions. Notice how I said they would not tell them what to write. This would be a great learning process for our members, and as a result, they would realize what big of a difference they could make.

Oh Where, Oh Where has My Media Gone?

Beside Dio and trolling power, media is probably the most influential aspect of the New World. It can change opinions on powerful issues as well as spread messages across the New World. What most other parties don't do is take advantage of the media, and I will make sure the ADTP does. What I am trying to implement is a Media Club. With this, we would be able to subscribe and vote to other member newspapers as soon as they are released.

Furthermore, as a Party President, transparency is a must. You should try your best to let the American people know what you are up to as well. If I am elected ADTP PP, I will try my best to write to the citizens of the United States of what the ADTP is sneakily up to on a weekly basis at the least. I'm pushing to try to write at least twice a week, but I want to keep it fresh as well.

Other Parties have Militias, Why Can't We?

The zombies are coming! The zombies are coming!

Last time I checked, the American Defense and Trade Party had the word "defense" in it, but yet, it doesn't have a private militia. The purpose of a militia is to assist their mother nation in times of need. Sure, we have the United States Military, but having a party military would greatly increase activity within the party itself.

The idea for a private militia would be a very painstaking process, so it wouldn't happen right away. I would like to see it get started in my administration though. The missing variable if this would be a success is if we have enough active members. The militia would have an application and approval process with different ranks in order to keep us excited.

Also, I will try taking the liberty of writing a detailed Training Manuel in collaboration with other members in order to properly educate our troops. These manuals would be easy to read, but would be very informative. They would also be on Google Docs, making them easier to access.

A Steady Cash Flow

Money runs the New World, and there is no way the American Defense and Trade Party can compete in this ever-evolving world if we cannot have money. With no money, we cannot fund advertisements or even this possible militia. The ADTP already has two companies, which is a start. Our ticket company is primarily used for providing tickets for ADTP members during Congressional election time. On the other hand, our grain company can actually be used to make some decent profit.

I already have some prior experience in the economic module since I am the General Manager of my own corporation, HobbitTon Industries. Since Devoid left for New Zealand, I took over his position as Director of Finance in the ADTP. I am currently working on a budget plan for the ADTP as we speak as well as a business plan. Hopefully, we can get some weekly positive fund in the very near future.

My Credentials

3-Term eUS Congressmen (Currently representing New Hampshire)
Director of the IES
Former Congressional Writer
White House Press Release Writer
TC Graduate
Former World History Teacher at NAU
Former Ambassador to eParaguay

[Insert Closing Statement Here]

The American Defense and Trade Party is a party in distress. With most of their active members leaving for New Zealand, party leadership needs to step up and turn the party around. If not, it will just crash. That is why I, HobbitTon, am running for ADTP PP! Vote for me in the ADTP PP Primary on October 11th!