Inner beauty? Or too much eyeliner?

Day 719, 21:27 Published in USA USA by Sleeve

One characteristic of online games, is their flexibility and evolving nature. If they cannot evolve as true in real life entities; they tend to die.

This is something I have experienced in other games as well as here in eRep. In some instances this expands game play and gives new content. Sometimes things go into place to keep a lid on cheaters and exploits. But the majority of games do grow and expand. In the short time I have been here things that govern the way we play the game have changed. From how nations fight, to how they ally and how everyday citizens eat food, to how they can obtain free gold with real life commercial offers.

At the time of this articles writing the true impact of the MPP cost tripling and the introduction of free gold for real life offers have yet to be seen. They could have far reaching and lasting effects.

Finding ways for the game to make more profit for those who run it is in fact their main prerogative. No one should fault people for trying to make a living, or increase their stock prices and make their investors happy. One thing that has impressed me with this game is the lack of in-page ads. As annoying as the citizen ads get sometimes, they are no way at all as annoying or detrimental as the normal kind.

When I think about other recent in game events, I can honestly say that I would prefer a more secure gaming experience WITH those ugly bandwidth draining in-page ads.

Events such as the eUS President Gaius Julius's account becoming illegally accessed, exploits stealing gold simply from posting comments, and the most recent zombie/multi political takeover of a small nation. Creating multiple accounts is still cheating, even if they are used as part of the game by some factions. I would very much like to see more safeguards put in place to deal with them.

I would rather have a more secure and fair game play experience then one with that is just visually appealing. I want to get to know a girl a bit before I take her home.

In other news, I have taken the plunge and created an Organization and bought a business. Heres to hoping I don't stay in the red. And by red I mean the blood of his competitors and employees who work at low wellness.

You don't want to stand between an Evil Robot and his OIL.