Day 2,137, 20:56 Published in USA USA by greeling

Hello America I bring you great news today because I am announcing that I am running for President once again. I am here to once again announce another run for presidency. I know what you all say “but greeling this is like the 10th time you have ran for presidency and you never win cause everyone is just jealous of you cause you are so amazing” Yes this is all true but I am here to try once again to do it and maybe this time you all will finally get over your problems of not being me and elect me into office. So lets get this started and Time for everyone to learn of my plans.


I have been saying this for over a year now Canada has to be destroyed. They are the worst country ever with always being apologetic and with all their maple syrup. I just can’t trust those people. Plus they have like war moose or something like that I think. Just imagine that a thousand moose just charging at you in full armor with Canadians riding at you drinking maple syrup while constantly saying I’m sorry. I can’t think of anything more terrifying, and I refuse to let children grow up in a world where that might happen, ok it probably won’t but I’m not thaking that chance.

2. High Taxes

It’s time taxes go up, and I don’t mean just a little bit like I mean 100% tax rate on everything. Now I know you might think that is ridiculous but it is necessary cause how else am I going to get rich.

3. Corruption

This is very important I will need everyone to be on my side and I’ll have to do some dirty things to get those that are against me out of here. Like make it look like you have multis or something I haven’t really thought it through cause well thats a lot of work and I don’t do much thinking ever anyways.

4. Get Wiped

This is one of the more important plans of mine cause I will want to do it before congress elections just so I know I will not have problems with congress on votes I want to do. It will make everything easier on me and it will also help with me getting rich.

Now its time to reveal some people that I have planned for my cabinet.

Vice President-Synesi

He has been my running mate for a long time and I feel bad that I have constantly let him down by never getting him to be VP. Now why is my choice to be VP well have you seen how sexy he is, I am all about the eye candy.

Chief of Staff-Cody Caine

I promised this position to him a long time ago before I even knew who he was but he wanted the position so I promised to him and I will get it for him. Plus have you seen his butt that things on its own makes him qualified for the job.

Secretary of Defesce😛otato134

Though he might not be as good looking as my other to cabinet members he bought us to war with Canada which was the most patriotic thing ever and it’s why he is the obvious choice.

So there you America I have told you my plans and the people I will be working with. I think this couldn’t be an easier choice. So its time for me to be President and make this the best country ever by giving it more greeling.


Death to Canada